Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1434 He is coming (5)

"You are using strong words to make sense. What kind of bullshit excuse and bullshit logic are you talking about?"

Duke Li Guo was angry and even uttered vulgar words. Seeing that Mo Zili was stubborn and stubborn, he didn't bother to reason with him any more and said angrily: "I'm just asking you, where are you hiding the girl from the Wu family?" went?"

Mo Zili kowtowed deeply and lay on the ground, "Grandfather made atonement, but my grandson cannot tell!"

"can not say?"

Duke Li Guo was so angry that he threw the cup beside the table and hit Mo Zili on the head, "If you can't say anything, just roll over to the yard and kneel down. When you want to say something, when do you want to get up!"


The pastel teacup hit Mo Zili's head. He did not dodge, but let the cup explode on his forehead. The broken porcelain fragments scratched a gash, and blood flowed out, flowing down his forehead. dripping.

"Yes, my grandson obeys!"

Mo Zili stood up and walked outside without hesitation. When he reached the yard, he lifted up his robe and knelt on the cold blue bricks. His waist was straight, although the cold wind quickly penetrated His clothes were so cold that he felt as if he had fallen into an icehouse, but he gritted his teeth and refused to explain Xiangyun's whereabouts.

Time passed little by little, and Mo Zili's face became whiter and whiter, even his lips turned white. Chang Sui Lao Yan, who was in charge of Duke Guo, was afraid that something would happen, so he secretly sent people to the old lady's house to find her.

When the old lady heard about this, she hurriedly put on her clothes and ordered someone to call the eldest and second masters. She then held the girl's hand and walked tremblingly to the old man's study.

Two hours had passed, and the blood on Mo Zili's head had solidified, and the bright red blood stains stood out against his pale, paper-like face, which was very dazzling.

The old lady always protected her shortcomings. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw her beloved Mo Sun kneeling precariously in the cold wind. She immediately shouted: "Quickly, help him up quickly. Get the spring stool and carry him in." Go to the house..."

Punishing Mr. Li is an order given by the Duke of the State. Who dares to disobey it? Everyone agreed, but no one dared to move.

Seeing this, the old lady personally stepped forward to help Mo Zili, but Mo Zili refused to get up despite any words and was as stubborn as a stone.

While they were pulling, the eldest master Mo Yuanshan and his eldest wife Bai Shi arrived. Their yard was close to the old master's study, so they rushed over before the second master and his wife.


When the eldest man and his wife saw that the old lady was losing her temper in the yard and insisted on getting Mo Zili up, they stepped forward to support her and comforted her in a low voice: "Mother, Li'er has made a big mistake. If my father doesn't take it seriously, If he is punished, it will be difficult for us to explain it to the Emperor and the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom. If he is really handed over to the Emperor for punishment, Li'er's future will be over. Although his father punished him a bit harshly, in reality, But he is protecting him!"

When the old lady heard this, she immediately understood. She felt distressed, and looked at Mo Zili who was kneeling on the ground angrily, and cried: "You are a debt collector, and all the children in the family put together are not as worrying as you." First, it was just because of a girl from the Du family that the reputation of our Duke Liguo's mansion was brought into disrepute, and now it's because of Girl Yun that it brought disaster to our mansion. Tell me, when will we be able to make people live in peace?"

As he spoke, he started to cry.

Although Mo Zili was ashamed, his idea of ​​keeping Xiangyun never wavered. At this time, he had been kneeling on the ground for two hours, his legs were frozen and he was so cold that he seemed to be able to faint at any time. It seems like the past.

He weakly kowtowed to the old lady and said slowly: "My grandson... is unfilial and makes grandma worry..."

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