Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1435 He is coming (6)

Just as he was talking, Yingyu suddenly ran in and said anxiously: "Master Li, something bad has happened. Someone broke into our Qiu Shuangzhai..."

Mo Zili was shocked when he heard this, and stood up in a hurry. He was about to leave, but because his legs were already numb, he couldn't obey them at all. Moreover, he had been blowing the cold wind for two hours, and his head was very dizzy because it was so difficult to get up. It was too violent, and the sudden news stimulated him. After a moment of dizziness, he fell heavily...

"Li'er, Li'er..."

The old lady was shouting and calling for people to come and carry the person. Mo Qingshan and his wife happened to arrive. They happened to see Mo Zili's unconscious scene. The couple ran over in shock, crying and trying to save him. , the yard became chaotic for a while.

Mo Yuanshan couldn't help, so he stood aside. He called Yingyu and asked, "Who broke into Qiu Shuangzhai? What did they do?"

Yingyu cried: "I don't know who this slave is, but he was so aggressive. As soon as I came in, I knocked slaves and others unconscious. When I woke up, those people were gone, but, just..."

Yingyu cried, but did not dare to say any more.

Wu said anxiously: "It's just something, you should tell me quickly!"

Yingyu glanced timidly at the unconscious Mo Zili and said nonchalantly: "The secret passage in the young master's room was opened by someone. I wonder if those people entered the secret passage..."

Mo Qingshan, who was wiping his sweat, also heard their conversation and said in surprise: "What secret passage?"

Yingyu said in a low voice: "I just learned about it. It's a secret passage built by the young master in the house. I don't know where it leads..."

Wanyan Jingchen and his men successfully found the small courtyard where Xiangyun was located through the secret passage in Mo Zili's house.

Unexpectedly, Xiangyun was hidden in such a close place. That night, they turned the capital upside down and even searched the ancient temples in the countryside. However, they did not expect that she would be hidden under their noses. Sure enough, , the more dangerous the place, the safer it is.

Xiangyun was leaning on the kang, holding her knees and crying. She thought it was already midnight and no one would come to save her. But after tonight, her reputation and life were completely ruined. . Unexpectedly, he, whom she had longed for, appeared in time again.

"Situ Changge!"

When he saw the man in black fighting with the dead man in black outside the window, Xiangyun couldn't believe his eyes. He thought he was hallucinating, until he knocked down the man in black who was pestering him and strode towards where she was. Walking into the room, she realized that it was true, he was here!

Come to save her!

"Situ Changge!"

Xiangyun quickly got off the kang, pulled off her shoes, and ran towards the man quickly. Situ Changge had just opened the curtain and entered the room. She might as well have bumped in at once, bumped into his arms, and hugged him without any explanation. His waist started to cry.

"Woooooo... Situ are finally here...scared me to death...wuwuwu..."

Seeing her crying pitifully, Situ Changge patted her back distressedly and comforted her softly: "It's okay, it's okay Xiangyun, we are getting married today, and no one will dare to bully her again in the future." is you……"

Xiangyun cried for a long time, and finally she had cried enough. She raised her wrinkled face and said stupidly: "Huh? Why don't you ask me if I have been... bullied? You guys?" Isn’t that what men care about most?”

Wanyan Jingchen lowered his head, looked at her deeply, and said, "Not all men care about that. There are two types of men in this world, one is called Mo Zili, and the other is called Wanyan Jingchen!"

Xiangyun's heart trembled, and ripples appeared in the deepest part of her soul. A sweet taste called happiness spurted out, drowning her in it instantly and making it difficult for her to extricate herself.

"Situ Changge..."

Her eyes were red, her nose twitched, and she said softly, "Actually, I was just caught here, and I was not bullied!"

"I know!"

Wanyan Jingchen smiled lightly, raised his hand to straighten the strands of hair around her cheeks, tucked the naughty strands of hair behind her ears, and said, "With your temperament, if you were bullied, you would have cried your heart out." , how can you stay here so quietly?"

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