Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1436 Xiangyun is getting married (1)

Xiangyun was brought back to the Marquis of Jian'an's Mansion in time. When Marquis of Jian'an and Mrs. Wu saw Xiangyun back, they were surprised and happy. Mrs. Wu held her daughter and cried, and kept asking: "Yun'er, are you injured?" ?Have you ever been bullied?"

Xiangyun was afraid that they would misunderstand that she had lost her virginity, so she hurriedly told the story of her captivity. When she learned that she had not lost her virginity, Mrs. Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and her worried heart was relieved.

When the Marquis of Jian'an learned that it was Xiangyun who had been kidnapped by Mo Zili, he was so angry that he slapped the table and was about to go to Duke Li's mansion to argue, but was stopped by his eldest son Wu Jingren.

"Father, my sister and Prince Wanyan are about to pay a grand tribute. Now you go to settle accounts with Duke Li. What will others think?"

The second son Wu Jingyi also advised: "My brother is right. Guests are coming to the door later. Father, you are not at home. Can't you make it right? Besides, sister, this matter shouldn't be too big, lest someone with ulterior motives hear about it and make a big deal out of it." article. "

After hearing the words of the two legitimate sons, Marquis Jian'an hesitated. He wanted to settle the matter, but he couldn't swallow it. He wanted to go to Duke Li's mansion, but he was afraid of making the matter bigger and embarrassing. Just as he was hesitating, Wanyan Jingchen spoke. He said: "Father-in-law, let me handle this matter. Xiangyun is my wife. She has been wronged, so I should handle it."

Marquis Jian'an thought for a while and said, "That's fine, I'll leave it to you, but don't make it easy for that bastard Mo Zili!"

Wanyan Jingchen smiled lightly, and a sharp flash of light flashed in his clear eyes: "Father-in-law, don't worry, Jingchen will not spare anyone who bullies Xiangyun."

As they were talking here, Wu Jingjie's wife Bian rushed over after hearing the news and said: "My sister is finally back. If she doesn't come back, the bride will have to be replaced. Come on, come with me to freshen up." He said in his mouth , took Xiangyun's hand and smoked away.

Xiangyun was pulled by her sister-in-law and hurriedly returned to her boudoir, only to see that the inside was filled with mist, and a large bucket of bath water soaked in flower petals was emitting wisps of steam.

"Come, take a shower first to get rid of the bad luck on your body."

Mrs. Bian was chattering while helping Xiangyun undress: "Sister, you don't know, the night you were kidnapped, everyone was very anxious. They were afraid that you wouldn't be able to come back tomorrow and your reputation would be ruined. Someone suggested that you find a woman to worship in your place. Since you are covered with a hijab, others cannot see clearly, but Prince Wanyan refused, saying that he would only marry you in this lifetime."

After saying that, he chuckled, looked around, and whispered: "Yun'er, from what I see, this Prince Wanyan is really infatuated with you!"

Xiangyun smiled shyly, recalling what he said, she couldn't help but feel sweet in her heart.

She took off her clothes and soaked in the tub. The moderate water temperature and the fragrance of flower petals immediately relieved her tired body. She sighed comfortably and closed her eyes. At this time, she heard her sister-in-law whispering in her ear. He whispered: "Yun'er, tell the truth to your sister-in-law. You were kidnapped this time. Can you lose your virginity?"

Xiangyun was startled, opened his eyes quickly, shook his head and said, "Don't think blindly, I'm fine, I was just detained for a while. As for what you said, it didn't happen at all!"

Mrs. Bian was relieved, patted her chest, and said, "It's okay if you don't, it scares me to death. I've already secretly found a way for a woman who has lost her virginity to pretend to be a virgin. It seems that it won't be used!" "

Xiangyun rolled her eyes. Even if she really lost her virginity, she would never deceive Wanyan Jingchen. Happiness obtained through deception will not last long. Moreover, he treats her so well, and she cannot bear to lie to him!

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