Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1437 Xiangyun is getting married (2)

After taking a bath, Mrs. Bian helped her put on the bright red wedding dress with green stripes and green strands. She combed her hair, twisted her face, put makeup on, and was busy for about an hour. , finally finished dressing up, dressing Xiangyun up and down, shining brightly.

I saw that she was wearing a scarlet brocade with five-color gold threads embroidered with phoenixes, a bunch of ruddy coral necklaces around her neck, a red gold-inlaid phoenix crown with five phoenixes spreading its wings on her head, and a peacock feather embroidered robe on her shoulders. Xia Pei, with exquisite makeup on her face, eyebrows like distant mountains, face like peaches and plums, cherry mouth and beautiful nose, and skin like gelatin, she is really beautiful.

All the women from the Wu family arrived. When they saw Xiangyun like this, they all praised her for her beauty. Xiangyun herself also felt strange. The last time she got married, she was dressed in such a grand manner, but she was far less beautiful than today.

After thinking about it carefully, she realized that the last time she got married was not what she wanted, and she was still tangled and uneasy before getting into the sedan chair; but this time, she got married completely willingly, and her eyebrows were full of joy. Joy and happiness, this kind of joy emanating from the heart, makes her look radiant and radiant. This kind of look cannot be described by any makeup!

When the auspicious time came, Xiangyun got on the sedan with the support of Xi Niang. Amidst the blessings of many relatives, he left the Marquis of Jian'an Mansion with joy, and went towards the palace with a lot of music...


Queen Namuhan was busy and joyful, sending people from time to time to see where the bride's sedan chair was. At the same time, she ordered her attendants to pack their bags. As soon as the wedding was over, they set off back to Qingluo Kingdom.

She is very anxious. Her husband is far away in the palace of Qingluo Kingdom. She has been waiting anxiously these days, looking forward to the stars and the moon for their return!

After being together for more than 20 years, she got to know her husband deeply. He missed his son as much as she did, and his heart was broken. If he could see his son come back with his wife, he would be very happy, and maybe he would be cured of his illness. Most of the time, Zi Neng is gone!

Anyway, since seeing her son, she feels much better than before. Many common illnesses can be treated by herself without taking any medicine. She estimates that when her son and Xiangyun give birth to a grandson again, her ailments may be cured. It’s over!

A palace maid came in and said in a soft voice: "Your Majesty, everything has been packed. There are twelve cartloads of dowry for the Crown Princess, and twelve cartloads of gifts given to you by the Empress of the Jin Dynasty, a total of twenty-four carts!" "

"I know, let's get down!"

Queen Namuhan waved her hand and dismissed the palace maid, feeling moved in her heart again.

When she came this time, she only prepared a thank-you gift for the emperor and empress of the Jin Dynasty, and did not prepare a betrothal gift for her son. The betrothal gift she gave to the Wu family was paid for her by half of the thank-you gift given by Queen Mu. The remaining half was used by Queen Mu to make a dowry for Xiangyun. Not only that, she also used her private treasury to add a lot, and married Xiangyun Xuanxuan with the gift of a princess.

Although Queen Namuhan didn't take money seriously, what Queen Mu did couldn't help but move her. After being moved, she secretly made up her mind that her descendants must have it in the future. Be the most loyal ally of the Jin Kingdom and never change your mind for generations to come!

at the same time

In the Qiu Shuangzhai of Duke Li Guo's Mansion, Mo Zili slowly woke up from his coma. After a moment of confusion, he sat up and raised his legs to get off the ground.

"My friend, you just woke up, where are you going?"

Beside the couch, Mrs. Bai saw her son waking up. She was pleasantly surprised and saw that he was about to get off the ground. She panicked and ran over in three steps at a time and hugged him tightly.

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