Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1443 Going to Xianbei (2)

The pheasants and hares in the woods are controlled within a certain number by the white-haired tiger. Occasionally, when it gets tired of eating pheasants and hares, it runs to the Lingxi River to catch fish to eat. From time to time, it takes advantage of the dark night and high winds to pick up pheasants and let them go. It went hunting alone in the royal hunting grounds, so its life was going pretty smoothly!

The fish, shrimp and shellfish in Lingxi grew very well. Every once in a while, Caiwei would go to Lingxi to catch some larger shellfish, take out the beads inside, and send them to Zhenbao Pavilion to sell them for money. , In addition, the low-quality jade and jade soaked in Lingxi water also added a lot of income to Wei picking.

Coupled with the glass industry in Lingbei, Caiwei's current wealth has steadily surpassed that of the Huo family, the richest man in the Jin Dynasty, and she can be regarded as the new richest woman in the Jin Dynasty!

However, Caiwei has always been very low-key about her property. After all, she has a special status. Once her wealth is revealed to the world, everyone will think that the emperor is too favoring to her and moved the treasury to her private treasury.

Therefore, although the common people know that she has opened hundreds of nursing homes alone and that she has done a lot of business, no one knows how much money she has.

In fact, even she herself could not calculate how much wealth she had. Anyway, the total treasures in the space were fuller than the ten treasuries of the Jin Kingdom. Now, the meaning of silver to Caiwei was no longer When she first came here, all she needed for food and clothing was just a number. The reason why she was still working tirelessly to earn money was not because she was short of money, but because she wanted to use her ability to earn money to prove her worth. The money earned supports the poor people who have no ability to work.

She had a lot of belongings, and it took her an entire afternoon to complete the inventory. It was a rare trip to Xianbei, so Caiwei planned to have dinner at a certain specialty restaurant in this city, and then take a nap in the gray space until it gets dark outside before going out on the road.

After making the plan, she took a shower, dressed up, and left the space to hang out.

The streets of the Xianbei Kingdom are very similar to those of the Jin Dynasty. They are all streets made of blue bricks or bluestones. There are rows of shops on both sides of the streets. On the streets, pedestrians of all kinds come and go, including those carrying burdens, driving carts, carrying baskets, and strolling around. Yes, it’s very lively...

Caiwei's appearance quickly attracted the attention of many people, firstly because she was wearing the clothes of a Jin woman, and secondly, because she was so beautiful. In this small border city, her appearance was like It is a pearl in the dark night, emitting gleaming light, making people unable to help but look at it.

Seeing that her turnaround rate was so high, Caiwei felt a little embarrassed. She didn't want to be the center of attention at all, especially those rude men whose eyes almost popped out when they looked at her. Fortunately, Nangong If Yi is not here, otherwise, the eyes of those men may not be saved.

After hurriedly asking a passerby about the most famous restaurant in the city, Caiwei hired a car and ran straight to the restaurant as if running away, leaving behind all the eyes on the street...

When they arrived at the most famous restaurant in the city, Caiwei was warmly invited in.

However, the waiter did not invite her to the private room. Instead, he invited her to the rows of large tanks and cages in the backyard and let her choose the animals she wanted to eat to show that the ingredients in their restaurant were fresh.

Caiwei looked at the tanks of seafood and didn't think it was anything. But when she looked at the cages of animals, including monkeys and mice, she felt sick. She turned her eyes away and said : "No matter what, just pick out four of your store's signature dishes and cook them for me. Just don't give me monkeys, mice or anything like that."

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