Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1444 Going to Xianbei (3)


The waiter saw that Caiwei was a wealthy owner, so he invited Caiwei back to the restaurant in front of him with great hospitality.

This restaurant is different from the restaurants in Dajin. There are no private rooms in the restaurant. There are only two halls upstairs and downstairs. Guests who eat high-end food will be invited to the hall upstairs to have a slow drink and eat ordinary food. , were left in the lobby downstairs.

Caiwei was invited upstairs and chose a corner to sit down. At this time, there were already four or five tables of guests upstairs. Caiwei's arrival quickly aroused the interest of these rich diners, not only because Caiwei's Dajin dress is more because she is so beautiful and she is alone!

A young swinger walked over directly and said frivolously: "Girl, are you alone?"

Caiwei didn't want to pay attention to him, so she just said a faint "hmm" and turned her head to look at the snowy scene outside the window.

Caiwei's indifference did not dissuade this prodigal young man's interest in pursuing beauty at all. He stared at Caiwei's unparalleled beauty for a moment, and said sarcastically: "I wonder if the girl can give me a favor, like us brothers?" Eat together?"

"Come on, come on, beauty, whatever you want to eat, just say..."

Around another table, several young men of similar age to him were booing.

Caiwei squeaked slightly and glanced over there subconsciously. Just this glance made her blood freeze instantly.

On the table over there, a small monkey head is placed in the center of the table. The table is specially made. The monkey's body is still under the table, and only the small head is left on the table.

Caiwei was stunned, not knowing what they were going to do. She saw an older man raise his hand and slowly pour a pot of boiling water on the monkey's head. The monkey was immediately burned and "squeaked" "Squeak", the body under the table was kicking and scratching like it was struggling, and the hair on the head also fell off with the boiling water.

How cruel!

Caiwei covered her mouth and opened her eyes in disbelief. The man pouring boiling water seemed very proud that he could attract the beauty's attention. He put down the kettle, picked up a small pointed hammer, and pointed it at the monkey. The Tianling Cap was smashed hard.

"Wait a minute"

Before the word "下" could be shouted out, there was only a "pop" sound, and the monkey's skull was smashed.

It screamed miserably, and its little monkey face was hideous with pain. However, the man calmly put down the hammer, picked up a spoon, and drank the monkey's fresh brains.


Caiwei felt nauseated in her stomach and almost vomited. She covered her mouth and ran outside quickly. When she passed by a dinner table that was about to be finished, she saw a table with a meal that had all the meat on it. Lobster, lobster is eaten alive. The meat is eaten but it is not dead. The beard on the head is still trembling in pain...

What kind of restaurant was this? It was like hell. Caiwei ran downstairs angrily and was about to go out when she saw the waiter walking towards her with a plate of pink and tender rat cubs.

"Huh? Miss, your food is here, where are you going?"

Caiwei looked at the squirming mouse cubs on the plate, resisted the desire to vomit, and said with difficulty: ""

The waiter said: "Yes, this is our restaurant's signature dish. The rat sprouts dipped in sauce are so tender and delicious that most people can't afford it!"


Caiwei couldn't bear it any longer and vomited in a panic, all over the floor.

This immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the waiters and diners, but because Caiwei was a beauty, many diners continued to eat after complaining for a while. But the waiter and shopkeeper refused. Caiwei vomited here and wanted to leave without paying after ordering. They could never agree!

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