Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1445 Going to Xianbei (4)

In fact, Caiwei didn't want to pay. These few small coins were nothing in her eyes. Seeing the waiter and shopkeeper coming around with unkind expressions, she straightened up and said, "Don't worry, you have some in the backyard." I bought all the animals and released them into the wild.  "

"What? Bought...released?"

The manager rolled his eyes and said, "Are you serious about what you say?"

"Of course it's true!"

Caiwei took out a purse from her sleeve. After opening it, she found dozens of round pearls, white, black, gold, blue, and pink, all sparkling and colorful. Each one was the size of a kidney bean, plus It can be sold for thousands of taels, which made the shopkeeper and the waiter's eyes widen.

"Are these enough?" Caiwei waved her purse in front of the shopkeeper.

"Enough, enough, enough!" The shopkeeper nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, his eyes staring into his wallet almost out of his sockets.

"Go and hire some cars for me. I'll take them to the forest to release them!" Caiwei took out a piece of silver and handed it into the hands of the clerk. When the clerk saw that the silver weighed four or five taels, he burst into laughter. He almost grinned to his ears.

In the end, she didn't finish the feast she expected. Instead, she followed a large group of cars in the cold wind and walked for several hours. She entered a forest she passed by when she came in and freed the animals and seafood with her own hands. Although she had nowhere to put them, she cleverly kept all the seafood and the big tank. After the cart drivers left, she put all the seafood into the spiritual stream in the space.

It was getting dark, but dinner was not finished, but Caiwei had no regrets. She was not a vegetarian, and she was not opposed to killing animals and eating meat, but she was opposed to such a cruel way of killing animals. If she were the queen of Xianbei, she would definitely do it. Banning this kind of brutal killing will never allow this kind of cruelty to prevail among the people. The mentality of the people of a country is closely related to the ruler of the country. That old witch in Jiya must be extremely cruel. How could there be such cruel and perverted folk customs!

The moonlight was cold, and with the help of the moonlight, Caiwei jumped onto the tiger's back and ran towards the capital of Xianbei. At this time, in her heart, there was one more crime committed by the old witch Jiya!

When they arrived at the palace in Xianbei, it was almost the fourth watch. Caiwei did not go in immediately. She entered the space first and was busy cooking a meal.

There will be a bloody battle later, which will require a lot of energy, and she hasn't eaten yet, and her combat effectiveness will inevitably be reduced in the battle. Jiya's spells are very powerful, so she must be fully prepared and go all out to fight!

The parrot also flew back with flying colors, and felt extremely aggrieved when he saw Caiwei.

"Master, in order to keep an eye on this old witch these days, I haven't eaten well. You see, I've lost weight because of hunger!"

Of course Caiwei understood what it meant, and immediately rolled up her sleeves and prepared to cook a delicious meal for it. While cooking, she didn't forget to ask about Jiya's situation.

When Jiya was mentioned, Parrot talked more.

"Master, you have met your match. This old witch is so powerful. In order to prevent others from harming her, she has laid traps around her palace. If it weren't for my discerning eyes, others would not be able to see the traps she has set. , I'm afraid she will die before I can get close to her."

"Oh? What kind of trap is so powerful?" Caiwei stopped kneading the dough, and her eyes became more serious.

"It's just centipedes, venomous snakes and poisonous insects that are crawling all over her house, but they are all well hidden. When there is no enemy, those things will not show up at all, and no one can see them."

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