Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1447 Going to Xianbei (6)

Caiwei was not distracted by her words, because the circle formed by the Taipan Snake was getting smaller and smaller, and it could attack her almost at once. She did not dare to slack off, and shouted: "Take it!"

In the blink of an eye, the hundreds of Taipan snakes disappeared without a trace, leaving only the venom dripping on the bluestone slab still making a squeaking sound.

After collecting the poisonous snakes, Caiwei raised her head and showed a sweet smile to Jiya: "Queen Jiya, aren't you very capable? Since you can figure out that I am a resurrected soul, why not figure out who I am? Where do I come from? Think about it. What are you doing?"

Jiya looked at the poisonous snake that disappeared out of thin air, and her eyes immediately showed a burst of excitement: "It seems that the information collected by Lingbei is true. Queen Mu, you really have a trick!"

Caiwei sneered and said, "Are you thinking what you can do with me after you surrender? Seize my body? Make elixirs? Or do something else?"

Jiya laughed arrogantly: "Queen Mu, you are too worried. I heard that you are very powerful. I just want to compete with you. Come, let's fight!"

As she said this, she walked slowly towards Caiwei. Caiwei would not believe her. She secretly gathered a little spatial spiritual energy at her fingertips in case she needed it.

However, before she could take action, she suddenly felt that her mind went blank, as if a milky-white mist obscured her vision. The night turned misty-white, and a hand that was paler than the mist stretched out from the mist and touched her. Calling quietly.

Come on……

Caiwei was still conscious at this time and knew that taking one step would be dangerous. But the legs and feet still stepped forward.

One step, two steps...

The feet are soft, and it feels like stepping on clouds and mist, which is frivolous. Gradually, all directions were enveloped in white mist, from the front, to the soles of the feet, to the back, and then to the heavenly spirit.

However, just when her heavenly spirit was about to be surrounded by white mist, a green light suddenly flashed through, like the light of Brahma, and suddenly dispersed the gathering white mist. In an instant, the heaven and earth became clear and the chaos receded.

It was accompanied by a bird song.


The cry of the parrot was astonishing and resounded in the ears, deafening, causing pain in the eardrums and a sharp tinnitus! This tinnitus poured into my ears like needles, like a loud gong in my head. With a clang, Caiwei's spirit trembled!

With this tremor, Caiwei suddenly woke up!

She suddenly raised her head and felt the mist tearing apart in front of her feet, splitting out a crescent moon above her head, splitting out the dark sky, and splitting out a spotted venomous snake in front of her eyes, spitting out letters, and ejected towards her!

Caiwei's eyes just glowed, which was when she was supposed to be slow to react, but she practiced in her previous life and developed instincts. Now her mind suddenly woke up, and she felt that there was danger in front of her, and she jumped back instinctively! He escaped Jiya's sudden attack, but he also broke into a cold sweat!

This Jiya is really powerful and can actually control people's minds. Caiwei just looked at her, but it was as if she was fascinated and almost fell into her trap!


With a low cry, the spotted viper twisting on the ground disappeared in an instant.

Caiwei sneered and said, "Whatever skills you have, use them all at once!"

Jiya shook her disheveled head and clucked her tongue: "Even my soul-capturing technique was broken. Queen Mu is really amazing. It seems you have a lot of good things. In addition to this white tiger, this bird, By the way, you should also have a monkey and a turtle!"

Caiwei was surprised, wondering how she knew the secret of her space.

But there was no surprise on her face. Instead, the old god was there, smiling calmly and saying: "The more people know, the faster they die. I'm talking about people like you!"

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