Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1448 Falling into the trap (1)

This time, Jiya did not argue with Caiwei. She took a step back and waved her hand. The weirdly dressed wizards behind her rushed forward one after another and attacked together. Countless poisonous snakes, centipedes, poisonous scorpions, spiders, and toads were killed. Electricity shot out.


Caiwei shouted loudly, and the poisonous snakes, centipedes, poisonous scorpions, spiders, toads, etc. that came overwhelmingly disappeared in an instant.

The wizards were heartbroken. It was already the middle of winter. The reason why these venomous snakes and insects were able to survive and have extremely strong combat effectiveness was all due to the special methods used by these wizards to cultivate them carefully. But now they can't even make a sound. He disappeared inexplicably without hearing a sound, which made these wizards feel distressed and frightened at the same time!

This Empress Mu was so powerful that she could kill people without being seen. They were clearly going to die by fighting against her.

However, even though they knew they were going to die, they did not dare not go, because Queen Jiya was right behind them. If she saw that they were not trying their best, what awaited them would be a crueler punishment than death!

The wizards rushed towards Caiwei with various magic weapons. Before Caiwei could take action, the white-haired tiger rushed over and started biting her. The long eyebrows also came out of the space and got close to Caiwei to protect her. 's safety.

Caiwei didn't need protection. She also had martial arts skills and had been practicing diligently in the space for the past year without slacking off. Therefore, facing the swarms of wizards who came to her, she took out her sword without any pressure. , take the challenge calmly.

Although the wizards have some magic at their disposal, when faced with powerful enemies such as the white-haired tiger and the long-browed beast, their skills are obviously not enough, and all they can do is lead them to the slaughter.

While Caiwei was fighting, she wondered about Bai. Jiya knew these wizards were no match for her, so why did she let them die?

At this time, she suddenly heard a loud drum sound. When she followed the sound, she saw Jiya had made a drum at some point and was sitting on the ground, beating like a maniac, muttering in her mouth while beating. Muttering and mumbling.

At this moment, Caiwei understood that this old witch was doing something wrong and was using the lives of these wizards to delay her so that she could have time to do it!

Caiwei's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing murderous intent, but when her eyes touched the drum, they suddenly froze.

The surface of the drum was brown and yellow, with the texture of skin in the moonlight, and the drum frame was white, slightly polished. This drum carries a strong black evil aura and is full of resentment.

"Human skin drum!"

She was startled. She had seen this kind of drum in her previous life. There was one in Tiewa Temple in Mount Wutai, and it looked exactly like this.

According to written records, this human skin drum was made by the emperor of the Qing Dynasty after he punished two corrupt officials, father and son, for cheating and plundering in the construction of the Qiaowan Palace, and then skinned them to warn the officials. She had seen it once and was deeply impressed, but she didn't know that the human skin drum she saw in her previous life was made from the skin of the father and son after they died. But Queen Jiya's human skin drum was made by peeling off the skin while the person was still alive. When making the drum, people's resentment is attached to the drum. The stronger the resentment, the stronger the power of the curse.

The frame of this drum is white, and it looks like it is made of human bones!

"Old witch! You are so cruel!" Caiwei pointed at her and said angrily.

Jiya listened without any reaction on her face, but lightly beat the drum. While filming, I muttered something, actually reciting a mantra!

The drums were beating loudly, but no poisonous snakes or insects were seen crawling out. I wonder if she was messing with gods or devils. Caiwei was looking around in confusion, wanting to see what kind of moth she was messing with. The parrot's voice Suddenly it became sad.

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