Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1451 Falling into the trap (4)

Looking at this cruel scene and looking at the cute faces of the two children, Caiwei's heart ached. Who are these two poor children? Why is this happening?

In the space, the old turtle had already seen this scene, and he said seriously: "Master, these two children are blood babies who were sacrificed!"

"Blood baby? What is blood baby?"

Caiwei is well-informed, but she has never heard of the term blood baby.

The old turtle said: "Blood baby, also called blood baby Gu. It is a kind of ghost-controlling magic. It belongs to the same line of magic as raising imps and corpse poisoning, but what it drives is not ghosts, but babies. This The baby must have died at birth, and the sacrifice must begin within an hour after death. If the mage wants to practice blood baby, he will first drain the baby's blood, then use the blood of the blood baby's parents, and then use the blood of the blood baby. The baby is fed with spells and voodoo insects. After the baby opens its eyes, the head-dropping master will make the baby's parents into living voodoos, that is, using a living person as a petri dish, using secret medicine and the blood of the master's middle fingers. Seven drops, open the altar and perform the ritual until the baby is completely controlled by the mage.  "

"After the blood baby is made, the blood of the parents who are living voodoos will be sucked dry first, and then the baby's blood relatives will always be used as living voodoos to support. The process of refining living people into voodoos is extremely cruel, and usually the baby's relatives There will be extremely deep resentment when you die. The deeper the resentment, the more powerful the blood baby will be, so the blood baby is extremely dangerous in sorcery. It is said that only mages with extremely powerful magic dare to practice, and once they practice it, they have to feed it for life. Otherwise, it will easily backfire on the master."

After Caiwei heard this, she shuddered for a while. She looked at the little girl, and her scalp went numb when she thought that she was trained to be a gu in a cruel way. No one with any sense of conscience can imagine such a process. It is not an exaggeration to say that people who practice blood Gu have no conscience at all!

"This child has grown to be three or four years old. How many blood relatives are needed to feed her?"

"Therefore, when practicing this technique, you must find a family with a prosperous family. Otherwise, if there are no live Gu offerings from blood relatives, the blood baby will bite back!"


There was another shrill scream, and the baby girl who had been blinded by the parrot was torn into two halves by the white-haired tiger. The two broken bodies were still struggling and fighting with the white-haired tiger.

Caiwei was secretly afraid. Fortunately, the white-haired tiger was a mythical beast and extremely powerful. Otherwise, these two blood babies, Yingge and Changmei, would not have been able to resist them.

At this moment, Changmei and Yingge were standing in front of the baby boy's broken limbs, ready to go, just in case.

Caiwei took the opportunity to look into the space, and saw that the space was quiet and quiet. There was not even a snake or a poisonous insect. She didn't know what tricks the old turtle had used to make those disgusting and terrifying things come alive in such a short period of time. Everything has disappeared...


The raging fire in the Queen's Palace did not attract the king of Xianbei, but it attracted the crown prince of Xianbei, He Lanqing. He led people to break in and screamed in despair as he looked at the palace that was engulfed in flames.

When Caiwei saw He Lanqing, she immediately took out her sword and said coldly: "Your Highness, long time no see!"

He Lanqing had already seen the tragedy in the yard. He drew out his sword, pointed at Caiwei, and said sternly: "Witch, you are so brave. You robbed my sister's man, mutilated my sister, and now you are here to kill me." Mother, today, I, He Lanqing, will kill you bitch alive to avenge my mother and sister."

After saying that, he struck with his sword.

Caiwei hurriedly got out of the way and took out her sword. While resisting, she sneered and said: "From the day you colluded with Tuo Tuo to assassinate me, the two of us have been incompatible with each other. If you have the ability to kill me, that's it." You are capable, but if you are incapable, just wait and be killed!"

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