Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1452 Falling into the trap (5)

Caiwei's martial arts skills were very high, and He Lanqing was also unequivocal. The two were fighting inextricably. At this time, people brought by He Lanqing gathered around and wanted to help He Lanqing, but He Lanqing stopped him: "Leave me alone, hurry up." Go get water and put out the fire!"

The fire had already reached the roof of the palace, and there was no way to save it. The men knew they couldn't save it, but they didn't dare to disobey their master's order, so they had no choice but to agree and run away.

In this room, Caiwei and He Lanqing were fighting, killing each other.

He Lanqing's martial arts is extremely high, and his sword skills are also very good. His sword is like a white snake spitting out messages, hissing through the wind, and like a swimming dragon, walking around. Sometimes it is as light as a swallow, and sometimes it rises with the sword, sometimes it is as sudden as lightning. , the snow falls and collapses; Caiwei is not easy to mess with. Most of her sword skills were taught by Nangong Yi himself. She dances a precious sword to perfection, turning left and right, as quiet as a crouching tiger, moving like a flying dragon, and as slow as a flying dragon. You Yun is as fast as lightning, steady and elegant. Although He Lanqing's martial arts is high, he doesn't take advantage of her at all.

The cold wind and moon were boundless, under the light of swords and shadows, Caiwei had fought with He Lanqing for more than a hundred rounds, but there was no distinction between high and low. Here, the white-haired tiger had torn the baby girl into pieces. Seeing that Caiwei was in danger, he ordered Changmei and Yingge looked at the pile of remains and turned around to help pick up Wei.

The white-haired tiger is huge and moves as fast as the wind. When it pounces down, it feels like Mount Tai weighing down the top.

He Lanqing saw the giant tiger falling down like a hill and hurriedly dodged back. Although he escaped the giant tiger's pounce, the sword in Caiwei's hand flew out and struck him on his left shoulder.


He Lanqing was hit by the knife and screamed in pain, staggered and almost fell.

"White-haired tiger, bite him to death!"

Caiwei gave the order with a cold face and no mercy! After receiving the order, the white-haired tiger immediately pounced on He Lanqing. He Lanqing was already injured and his movements were not as agile as before, so he couldn't dodge well and was knocked down by the white-haired tiger.

The white-haired tiger opened its bloody mouth and bit his head. He Lanqing's face turned pale with fright, and he froze up, forgetting to resist.

"shut up!"

In the sea of ​​fire, Queen Jiya ran out, with a look of anxious pain on her ferocious face.

"Mu Caiwei, Queen Mu, I, Jiya, admit that I cannot defeat you. Please be noble and let us mother and son go. I will never dare to go against you again!"

She knelt down and crawled at Caiwei's feet, with a humble look on her face.

Caiwei's eyes were sharp, she pointed at the torn corpses of boys and girls on the ground, and whispered: "Your child is a child, but other people's children are not children. When you cruelly kill other people's children, , you should think that retribution will come to your children one day."

After saying that, he turned to the white-haired tiger and shouted: "White-haired tiger, don't listen to her nagging, bite her son to death first, and then bite her to death!"

After hearing this, the white-haired tiger opened its bloody mouth without hesitation and bit He Lanqing's neck.


Jiya yelled and rushed over. Before she could throw herself on her son, her eyes were suddenly covered by thick blood mist.

Through the blood mist, he saw his outstanding son, the son he was proud of, his throat had been bitten off, his whole head drooped down, leaving only a thin layer of skin connected to his body, that handsome face His face was dyed red, but he still had a look of horror.

"Oh no----"

Jiya screamed sternly, "Mu Caiwei, I'm going to kill you!"

However, before she could get up and take action, she was held down by the giant claws of the white-haired tiger and bit her down. With a "click" sound, the disheveled head was immediately broken into two halves...

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