After receiving the emperor's call, Duke Li came quickly. In the imperial study, Nangong Yi expressed his thoughts. As soon as he finished speaking, he was strongly opposed by Duke Li.

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible. It has been less than half a year since you took the throne. The country is in turmoil and has not yet stabilized. The remnants of the former deposed prince are still eager to try. The general who protects the country has not yet figured out the thoughts of the general. If you leave the capital so rashly, what if you are captured? People notice and have evil intentions, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Nangong Yi chuckled lightly and said: "Why not? The world has been in vain for thousands of years. The sun, moon, mountains and rivers will not change for thousands of years. I can only plan for a few hundred years. After a hundred years, I will be buried in the imperial mausoleum in a big tomb with a beautiful coffin." There will be a day of decay, but the immortal things are still the sun, moon, mountains and rivers. These mountains and rivers are like dead things. I sought them when I was alive, but I cannot keep them after I die. When I die, I will just add a handful of soil to these mountains and rivers. I have a hundred-year promise. We can share joys and sorrows when we are alive, and we can be buried in the same coffin when we die. Even if we turn into ashes, she and I will never be lonely. Therefore, if I must choose the same thing between Jiangshan and her, I will Choose her!"

Nangong Yi stood in front of his grandfather, with a majestic posture and a strong voice: "In my eyes, she is much more important than my country!"

The old man was moved by his words and sighed: "Since Your Majesty has made up his mind, I have no choice but to try my best to help Your Majesty. However, Liao Dan's Khan is extremely brave, so Your Majesty should take more care when you go!"

"Thank you, grandpa, for reminding me. My grandson will remember it!"

Nangong Yi explained the affairs in the palace, took dozens of hidden guards including Zhui Feng Zhuyue and Huan Qiu, and quietly left the palace at the third watch of the night, riding a fast horse in the direction of Liao Dan. went......


At this time in the Liaodan Kingdom, it was the coldest season of the year. The sky was freezing and the ground was freezing. The dripping water turned into ice. The sky and the earth were filled with white. The ground was cracked by the frost. The north wind was blowing like a knife. Shengjing The streets were as if they were made of silver, shining with bursts of coldness. The entire Liaodan Kingdom was as frozen as a big lump of ice. The mountains were so cold that they were trembling, the rivers were frozen stiff, and the air seemed to be solidifying. stand up.

At this moment, the warmest room in Liaodan was the one where Caiwei lived.

This was specially prepared for her by Saknu. It was spacious and luxurious. Even the Chengqian Palace where Nangong Yi and Caiwei lived during their wedding could not be compared with it. Not to mention the furniture inlaid with jewels, not to mention the furniture. A curtain worth tens of thousands of gold, not to mention the various priceless jewelry placed on the long dressing table. Just talking about the walls of this dormitory took a lot of thought.

It was bitterly cold in Liaodan, and Saknu felt sorry for her weakness, so he specially ordered the walls of the palace to be turned into a wall of fire.

The fire wall is a device that uses the smoke from the stove to heat through a hollow wall made of standing bricks. It is similar to the fire kang. It is a way for the nobles of Liao and Dan to keep warm. It has the characteristics of long flow of hot smoke in the wall and long heat storage time. It has the advantages of high thermal efficiency and uniform heat dissipation.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, which is the waste of charcoal fire.

Noble houses in Liao and Dan often chose smaller rooms to live in in winter in order to save charcoal. Silver charcoal was expensive. Like the large palace where Caiwei lived, the walls were lit with fire twelve hours a day. The silver of Yintan is worth more than a thousand taels of silver. Although this huge sum of money is nothing to the Great Khan of Liaodan Kingdom, the winter in Liaodan is long. During the whole winter, it will cost ten dollars to burn the fire wall alone. More than ten thousand taels of silver is not a luxury!

In the magnificent and magnificent palace, Caiwei lay on a white fox fur mattress and fell into a deep sleep, as if she would never wake up.

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