Saknu sat in front of the couch, his eyes no longer filled with the ecstasy he had when he first saw her.

On the couch, the beauty as white as jade closed her eyes and slept very, very deeply...

She is still the same person in his heart, her face is still as beautiful as before, but she has become a sleeping beauty without a trace of life. She has been asleep since she came back last night and has been asleep for nearly ten years. It's been an hour, but he hasn't woken up yet, not even the slightest sign of waking up.

Saknu's heart was a little panicked, and there was a bit of panic in his rough eyebrows.

"Lechi, what's wrong with her? Why is she sleeping all the time?"

Master Le Tie said: "Dear Khan, Mu... the girl is so lethargic, Le Tie thinks it may be caused by physical discomfort. You'd better call the doctor!" He didn't dare to say Queen Mu, because he just said When he came to the word "Mu", he saw the evil look in Dahan's eyes, so he cleverly changed the word "Queen Mu" on his lips to Miss Mu.

After hearing this, Saknu yelled at the maid who was waiting below: "Why are you waiting here? Why don't you go and call the imperial doctor!"


The maid was frightened by his thunderous roar, hurriedly lowered her head and walked out quickly.

Saknu is half of the Jin ancestry, and many of his habits are similar to those of the Jin people. For example, when Liaodan people get sick, they usually go to a witch doctor, but Saknu believes that it is more useful to go to a doctor than a witch doctor.

He never got sick and had no need for a doctor at all, but there were several imperial doctors in the palace. These imperial doctors came from the Jin Dynasty and were prepared by him for his biological mother, Mrs. Xiao.

Mrs. Xiao's health is not very good and she often needs to see a doctor. Moreover, she is also a kind woman. In addition to seeing a doctor when she is sick, she will also ask the imperial doctor to help look after the palace guards and maids when they are sick.

Soon, the imperial doctor was brought in. He carefully saluted Saknu. Saknu waved his hand impatiently and said in a sinister tone: "Stop nagging, how about going to see Mr. Yan's health?"

After hearing this, the imperial doctor hurriedly got up and went to the couch to check Caiwei's pulse.

After a while, the imperial doctor looked embarrassed and said to Saknu with embarrassment: "Qi Khan, Yan's she, she, she..."

"She what?"

Saknu shouted loudly, scaring the imperial doctor so much that he almost sat down on the ground, but he spoke much more smoothly.

"Yin pulses differently from Yang, the Cun pulse is heavy, the Chi pulse is floating, the pulse is smooth and sharp, the Yang is seen in the Yin, and there are signs of harmony, it is the pulse condition of pregnancy, but Yan's... uh... ...."

Before he could finish speaking, Saknu had already picked him up by his neck.

He said word for word: "What did you say? Say it again!"

The imperial doctor was pinched by his neck, almost to death, so how could he say it? He stuck out his tongue, his face turned the color of purple pig liver from suppressing the pressure, and he stared in horror and said "Uh-huh" with a look of despair in his eyes.


After a crisp sound of fracture, the imperial doctor's head hung softly to one side, and a line of purple blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Go and find another imperial doctor!"

Saknu threw the dead doctor aside and roared furiously. The maid was so frightened that she forgot to say "yes" and ran out to find someone in a panic.

Le Chi waved his hand, and two chamberlains came forward and dragged the newly deceased imperial doctor out. Even the blood stains he spat on the ground were wiped clean. Everything returned to normal. Caiwei, who was sleeping on the couch, had no idea that someone had just died in front of her couch, and she died in vain!

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