It took a long time for the second imperial doctor to come in, and he was trembling when he was brought in. On the way here, he happened to see his colleague being carried out. His body suddenly softened, and there was a heat between his legs. He collapsed on the ground and asked his little palace maid to look for someone to change him quickly before he was brought in.

As soon as he came in, he saw Dahan sitting on a couch inlaid with gold and precious stones, waiting for him with a murderous look on his face.

"Go, check Yan's pulse and find out why she keeps sleeping!"

Saknu glared at the imperial doctor, unhappy because of his late arrival, but because he was eager to know whether she was pregnant or not, he suppressed his anger and gave him instructions in a cold voice.

The second imperial doctor tremblingly stepped forward, covered Caiwei's wrist with a gauze veil, examined her for a while, kowtowed to Saknu and said, "Thank you for your sweat, Mrs. Yan, she, she ,she......"

"Go on!" Saknu shouted like thunder again.

The imperial doctor trembled, his teeth chattered, and said, "Ms. Yan, she is pregnant. She is almost...three months old..."

After saying that, he lay on the ground, his body shaking violently. Especially when he heard Dahan's heavy footsteps walking towards him step by step, he was so scared that he almost flew away.

Saknu walked to the imperial doctor and heard the news of her pregnancy again. He was mentally prepared. Although he was extremely angry, he did not treat the imperial doctor as the person who made her pregnant like last time. Instead, he said coldly: "Go and prescribe an abortion pill that won't hurt your body. Remember, it won't hurt your body. If you hurt her even a little bit, your ten lives won't be enough to repay her!"

Upon hearing this, the imperial doctor raised his head and said with fear: "Dahan, Mrs. Yan is very weak now. If you force an abortion, it will definitely hurt your body. It's better to wait for Mrs. Yan's body to recover and then have the abortion."

Abortion will definitely hurt the body, and the Great Khan will definitely be angry with him and let him die without a burial place. Therefore, the current plan is to persuade him not to allow him to have an abortion for... Yanshi.

When Saknu heard this, he thought it made some sense, and said coldly: "Then give her a prescription and treat her well. If you treat her well, you will be rewarded. If you treat her well, you know... ."

"Yes, yes, my subordinates will do their best to take care of Yan's health as soon as possible..."

The imperial doctor kowtowed and passed away shivering.

Distraught, Saknu stood up and strode out.

The person he worked so hard to obtain with great difficulty turns out to be pregnant with someone else's child. This feeling is something that most people cannot understand.

Nangong Shi and Jin Zhong heard that Master Le Chu was back and had brought back the Queen of the Jin Dynasty. They hurriedly held a banquet for Le Chu to welcome him.

Le Tie was able to successfully capture Caiwei this time, thanks to Jin Zhong's ingenious plan. Therefore, when Nangong Shi came to invite him, he went happily with dignity. After drinking for three rounds, Le Tie raised his glass and said, "Thanks to Brother Jin for successfully completing the task assigned by the Great Khan this time, I would like to toast Brother Jin!"

Jin Zhong hurriedly picked up the wine glass and said: "The Great Imperial Master is too polite. After all, the Great Imperial Master is lucky. I just happened to hear the Master talking about the weaknesses of the descendants of Fuyou Island many years ago. I didn't expect to actually use it." If I had known that there really was a place like Fuyou Island, I would have learned more Taoist magic from my master and spent less time on these military strategies!"

Le Tie said: "Spells depend on chance. Brother Jin's master passed away early, otherwise he would have achieved great results and his cultivation would be above mine."

Jin Zhong’s master, Changchun Taoist Priest, was Tianjizi’s great disciple. Not long after he accepted Jin Zhong as his disciple, he was poisoned and died while practicing an evil art. Jin Zhong witnessed the tragic scene of his master’s death with his own eyes. Therefore, the intention to practice has become much lighter.

In these years, although he was in the Taoist temple, he was more interested in learning the art of war and the strategies of governing the country, in order to help her and her son in the future. He did not pay much attention to the things that Taoist priests should learn, such as drawing talismans and chanting incantations. Therefore, Although he has been in Taoism for many years, he is still very unfamiliar with magic.

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