Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1459 Dreaming back to the past life (1)

After sending Le Tie away, Nangong Shi couldn't wait to ask: "Uncle, what should we do next?"

Jin Zhong said: "Of course I should tell Nangong Yi about this and let him fight with Saknu, so that we can take advantage of the situation.  "

"But Nangong Yi has always been cautious. Would he provoke a dispute between the two countries over a woman?"

Nangong Shi is a ruthless person and has never really loved that woman. Naturally, he will not understand Nangong Yi's heart. If it were him, he would definitely not do this. Therefore, he does not trust Nangong Yi to judge others by himself. He will shake his own empire for Mu Caiwei.

But Jinzhong had loved him. For the woman he loved, he could give up his valuable status as the prince of the Marquis of Wuchang and go to the mountains to study hard, just so that one day he could stand by her side, help her, and share her worries. Even if she dies, he can stay by her son's side without hesitation, assist him, and support him. Even if he risks his life, he will do so willingly without any regrets.

Therefore, he concluded that Nangong Yi would definitely confront Saknu. Even if he did not start a war between the two countries, he would definitely come here personally to save Mu Caiwei. As long as he came, wouldn't their chance come?

"They will definitely fight!" Jin Zhong said firmly.

Nangong Shi looked at his uncle's confident look, and then thought of what Nangong Yi had done for Mu Caiwei, and felt that his uncle's words were reasonable, so he arranged for someone to deliver a message to Dajin...

The news that Caiwei had entered the palace was soon known to Mrs. Xiao. Mrs. Xiao is now the Queen Mother of Liaodan Kingdom and is in charge of Liaodan's harem.

There were no legitimate concubines in Saknu's harem. There were only women captured, bought, or snatched from the Jin Dynasty by his ministers and subordinates. These women were all young and beautiful, and they all had one characteristic. ----Somewhat like Mu Caiwei, the empress of the Jin Dynasty.

Although there is no one as beautiful as Queen Mu, as long as she is somewhat similar to Queen Mu, the Great Khan will definitely favor her, and the more similar she is to Queen Mu, the more favors she will receive. When these women discovered this, they began to bribe the Khan's cronies, and tried every means to find out from them the dress and habits of the Empress of Jin Dynasty, and tried their best to imitate them, hoping to gain more favor from the Khan and themselves. A more luxurious and elegant life.

Although Saknu did not give these women status, he would never treat them badly in life, and he was always very careful when dealing with women similar to Mu Caiwei, for fear of hurting them. Those who are like Mu Caiwei The women who were more than 80% similar to Wei were never injured when sleeping with the Khan.

As for those with low similarity, they were only occasionally injured, and they were all minor injuries. They were no longer as easy to maim or kill as before.

Mrs. Xiao was naturally very happy when she saw that her son had changed so much. She was also very kind to her son's high imitations. As she got older, she didn't have so many thoughts in her heart. She only looked forward to having a baby. A grandchild, here to relieve her boredom.

Therefore, she always pays special attention to those women who have been favored by her sons, and from time to time asks the imperial doctor to diagnose their pulses and take care of their bodies, in order to achieve the goal of having golden grandchildren as soon as possible.

However, Saknu's idea is that his first child, at least his first son, must be born by Caiwei. Only after Caiwei and his son are born can other women give birth to him. children.

After Mrs. Xiao knew her son's thoughts, she persuaded her son earnestly for a long time, but Saknu had always been strong and refused to listen to the advice. Mrs. Xiao's persuasion was fruitless, so she had to give up, but she never had the desire to have a grandson. stop.

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