Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1460 Dreaming back to the past life (2)

At this moment, Mrs. Xiao felt conflicted when she heard that her son had really brought Mu Caiwei here.

On the one hand, she was afraid that this woman would lead to a close war between the two countries, causing harm to the people. But on the other hand, she hoped that Queen Mu would really become her daughter-in-law. Only in this way could her son settle down. Only then can I give her a grandson in a down-to-earth manner.

Therefore, she had mixed feelings about Mu Caiwei's arrival, and was conflicted. While ordering people to block the news, he rushed to see Mu Caiwei.

However, when she saw Mu Caiwei with a relaxed expression, being supported by a maid to drink porridge, and found out that she was pregnant, the joy in her heart suddenly disappeared.

This woman is beautiful, she is beautiful, but her stupid and dull look, coupled with the fact that she is pregnant with a child, how can she be worthy of her heroic, heroic and heavenly son?

With his son's temper, he would never allow the woman he loved to give birth to someone else's child. Then, an innocent little life would be ruined, and it would also arouse the anger of the Emperor of Jin Dynasty and initiate a war between the two countries. Just for such a woman, it’s not worth it!

But, how can we stop the son's thoughts and make him willingly send the woman back?

Aunt Gao, who was waiting for her, saw what she was thinking, and on the way back, she quietly said to her: "Madam, according to this old slave, this Queen Mu is no better than the beauties in our palace." She is much stronger, and she is pregnant. She is really not worthy of our Khan. You might as well try to keep the child in her belly and feed her more, so that her image will become more and more unbearable. See you, Khan. The sooner you give up on her, the more you can accept other women..."

The reason why Aunt Gao said this was because she did not take away the benefits of the women in the harem, so she was always trying to find ways to help them maintain matchmaking and sex. The Yueniang girl captured from Lingbei also promised that if she could If she helps her get pregnant, she will reward her with a hundred pieces of fine silk and a hundred pieces of fine leather!

Mrs. Xiao listened and nodded: "It is indeed a good idea. Later, you can go to the Royal Hospital and pass on my words quietly..."

As he said this, he whispered something into Grandma Gao's ear. Grandma Gao listened and took the order...

In a flash, Caiwei had lived in Liaodan's palace for more than twenty days. During this period, she slept almost all day long. Even taking medicine, eating and drinking, she was forcibly pulled up by the maid to feed her. Yes, I only eat liquid food, because if I eat rice or something, I will fall asleep while eating.

When she woke up, she also saw Saknu, but she was not afraid or had any other emotions. She just looked at him stupidly, eating when he asked her to eat, and sleeping if he didn't. When talking to her, she also looked blank, as if she was an empty shell without a soul.

Gradually, Saknu realized that something was wrong. Although none of the women he had favored were pregnant, it did not mean that he did not understand the state of women when they were pregnant. It was definitely not normal for her to sleep like this!

However, the doctors at the Royal Hospital could not find out where she fell ill? Where is the root of the disease?

Later, a favored woman named Yueniang reminded him: "I heard that before coming to Liaodan, the Yan family fought with Queen Jiya of Xianbei. Queen Jiya was good at witchcraft. Could it be that she used What kind of evil magic has controlled Yan's soul, or perhaps it was the spell used by Master Lechu on Yan's body that turned Yan into a fool!"

Saknu thought it made sense, so he summoned Master Lechi and asked her to help Caiwei take a look and remove the spells and spells on Caiwei.

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