Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1461 Dreaming back to the past life (3)

Upon hearing this, Leqi hurriedly said: "Dear Khan, Mrs. Yan can kill the powerful Queen Jiya alone. Her ability is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If the spells and spells on her body are removed, her Once your mana is restored, I'm afraid you will be in danger if you sweat profusely!"

Saknu has always been fearless, so how could he be afraid of Caiwei? What's more, he has fought against Caiwei several times. Caiwei either lost to him or ran away. Therefore, what about the rumors about Caiwei outside? It's awesome, he doesn't even care.

However, what he didn't know was that Caiwei had never really lost to him, because when the two of them fought, it was either because there were outsiders present and it was inconvenient for her to kill, or because she could handle him without having to fight.

He glared and said angrily: "I'll lift it if I ask you to. How can there be so much nonsense? If she dies, do you plan to bury her with her?"

Of course Le Chi didn't want to be buried with anyone, he hadn't lived enough yet. Don't say that it had nothing to do with him whether Mu Caiwei recovered her mana or not. Even if it did, he would not dare to disobey the Khan's order.

At that moment, he hurriedly bent down and said piously and humbly: "Yes, I will help the Yan family to exorcise the curse..."

Soon, after making some preparations, Le Tie started practicing the method in front of Cai Wei's couch. He shook the bell and pestle, muttered words, and danced strangely, as if he was having epilepsy...

These days, Caiwei has been half asleep and half awake. In her sleep, she came to a dark and desolate place.

It was a gloomy place with no sunlight, ruins, dead trees and weeds everywhere. A line of expressionless old men lined up, walking mechanically into the distance until they reached a red and green bridge. They jumped into the river under the bridge one after another, and the turbulent river water was actually black...

Where is this? Why is she here suddenly?

Caiwei was wondering when she suddenly saw Queen Jiya in the group of old people. At this time, she also saw Caiwei.


Queen Jiya shook half of her head that had been bitten off by a white-haired tiger, laughed arrogantly, pointed at her and said, "Mu Caiwei, they all say that you should leave a thin line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future. Now you have harmed our mother and son." Even if you die, we won't make it easy for you. How about it? The feeling of being seduced is not good, hahaha..."

Now, Caiwei knew where she was. She... was seduced by Jiya and died!

However, Caiwei had no regrets. If she could kill this harmful demon, even if she died, it would be a well-deserved death.

Caiwei said coldly: "You have killed countless people and used living people to practice gu, even babies and the elderly. Killing you is to do justice for heaven and eliminate harm for the people. Even if you seduced the soul, I will recognize it." Got it!"

At this time, a strange voice said: "Oh, what a bitch who does harm to the people. Since you are so willing to meddle in other people's business, just go to hell with us and do it!"

Hearing this, Caiwei hurriedly turned around, only to see the dead and troubled Lu Junchen standing behind her at some point. His face was as pale as the heavy snow outside, and even his lips were white, as white as Bai Wuchang. Generally, it looks scary!

As Lu Junchen said that, he stretched out his hand to grab Caiwei. Caiwei hid in a hurry and bumped into someone. When Caiwei looked, she saw He Lanqing, who had lost his head, stretched out his hand and touched her. come over.

Caiwei was shocked, turned around and ran to the side. Queen Jiya and Lu Junchen were chasing after her, smiling sinisterly as they chased. He Lanqing, who had no head, stretched out his stiff hands and followed closely behind.

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