Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1462 Dreaming back to the past life (4)

This scene was so weird that Caiwei was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat. As she was running, several women with blue faces and three bleeding orifices blocked her way. When Caiwei looked at it, it was Concubine Jin, Princess Tuotuo and The three of them, Li Ruizhu, were all poisoned to death by her parrots!

"Bitch, give me back my life!"

Concubine Jin screamed miserably and stretched out her sharp claws to grab Caiwei.Li Ruizhu and Princess Tuotuo didn't show any weakness. They stretched out their hands to catch Caiwei and screamed and cursed.

"Bitch, today is your day to die. Come to hell with us..."

With these three ghosts blocking the way in front, and Ji Yalu Junchen, He Lanqing and others chasing behind her, Caiwei had nowhere to escape and didn't want to escape. Since they wanted to take her life, she shouldn't take it herself if she could. !

She paused, looked coldly at the evil ghosts gathered around, and said sarcastically: "Yes, you all died in my hands, but you deserved it. I won't be caught here because of you." Come and regret everything you have done. I only regret not killing you as soon as possible, so that fewer innocent people will suffer because of you!"

Concubine Jin said grimly: "Bitch, you are still stubborn now, go away, come with us to the eighteenth level of hell, and let you taste the suffering we suffered!"

Several people, no, several ghosts were angry and stepped forward to grab Caiwei and send her to the eighteenth level of hell!

In no time to respond, a golden light above the head covered the ghosts. Suddenly, the ghosts no longer cared about picking weeds. They were all crying and howling, struggling to escape from the shackles of the golden light.

However, the golden light was like the strongest cage, grabbing these people tightly, lifting them, and throwing them into the dark river.

The ghosts fluttered a few times, screamed and sank.

Caiwei looked at the place where the golden light flickered in confusion, wondering which deity had saved her from the ghosts.

In the golden light, a kind yet majestic voice came, saying slowly: "Mu Caiwei, you can think of all the people in the world, be mindful of the sufferings of the people, punish evil and promote good, and not kill based on personal likes and dislikes. With good karma and boundless merit, I would like to grant you rebirth and return to your previous world, are you willing?"

Caiwei was startled. In her previous life, she lived in a world with highly advanced technology. She was the country's leading gold medal bodyguard. She had a fortune worth tens of millions, and was highly sought after wherever she went. She was extremely famous.

However, when she thought of returning to the world where she was born and raised, and never seeing her man again, nor her parents, brothers and sisters, her heart suddenly ached, and she almost didn't hesitate. She said decisively: "No, I won't go, I want to stay here!"

In the golden light, the kind voice sounded again: "Okay, for the sake of your good fortune and Shiren Buddhism, I grant you the permission to go back and visit. Remember, in that world, you must be You can't change anything. Once the destiny changes for you, you will never come back!"

Caiwei bowed down respectfully, bowed her head and said, "Thank you, Cihai people. I will remember this!"

"Go for it!"

Master Cihai's voice fell behind, and the golden light suddenly enveloped her. The dazzling golden light was like ten thousand golden threads, which made her unable to open her eyes. When the golden light dissipated and she opened her eyes again, she was back to her original state. In that modern world.

Cars, streets, skyscrapers, young people dressed in fashionable clothes, everything is so familiar and yet so strange!

Perhaps she had stayed in ancient times for too long. Now, when she saw many modern girls on the street wearing miniskirts and camisole, she felt so uncomfortable.

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