After saying that, he ignored Saknu, who had a dark face, and walked straight out.

Hearing Caiwei's sarcasm, Saknu stared angrily and wanted to get angry at her, but what she said was true.

Hey, bear with it, who can let him fall in love with someone, but he can't bear to get angry when she is just sick!

When she got outside, Caiwei shrank. In the winter in the north, it was indeed freezing cold. Drops of water turned into ice, and her breath turned into white mist. She tugged on her cloak, looked up at the icicles under the eaves of the palace, and said, "These icicles must be removed, otherwise they will hurt people if they fall."

Saknu followed her line of sight, looked up, and shouted to the person waiting behind him: "Didn't you hear what Mr. Yan said? No one has to remove the ice yet."

The attendant behind him hurriedly agreed and went out to look for someone. Caiwei took advantage of everyone looking up at the icicles and quietly let the parrot go to find out who knew the secret of the space blockade. After the parrot flew away, she had no interest in staying outside, so she turned around and went back to the palace.

"Hey, why did you go back?" Saknu stopped her in a hurry. He wanted to take her to enjoy plum blossoms.

Although he doesn't like flowers and grass viewing, and has never been to a plum garden, he heard that women like it. He originally wanted to take her there for a romantic place, but he didn't expect that she would go back.


Caiwei said coldly, turned around and went back without even looking at him.

The palace maids and guards who were waiting on the side were all frightened. No one had ever dared to speak to the Great Khan in such a tone. Even those who refuted the Great Khan were fed to wild wolves by the Great Khan, but this woman was so disrespectful. He took Da Khan seriously and didn't even look at Da Khan, as if he didn't care.

What's even more strange is that Dahan didn't get angry. When he saw her going back, he was startled and followed her in.

After Caiwei entered the palace, Saknu followed her closely. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes were fixed on her and he couldn't bear to leave.

Caiwei is already fifteen years old, and she will have haircuts in a few days. This is the age at which a woman is most beautiful. In addition, she is already stunningly beautiful. Anyone who sees her can't help but be attracted by her beauty. Charmed.

Caiwei took off her big fur cloak and handed it into the hands of the maid. When she turned around, she saw Saknu looking at her infatuatedly, so she raised her eyebrows and said, "Go and do your work. I don't need you to accompany me. If There are poems and books from Da Jin in your palace, just ask someone to bring me some books."

Saknu seemed not to have heard her words, and stared at her blankly for a long time before saying, "Woman, you are so beautiful!"

Caiwei touched her face and sneered, "Yes, it's precisely because I'm beautiful that Dahan worked so hard to bring me to Liaodan all the way!"

When Saknu heard Caiwei's sarcasm, he twitched his lips indifferently and warned: "Since you were obtained by Ben Khan with all his efforts, Ben Khan will naturally not let you have a chance to escape, so you are the last If you stay in this palace obediently, I will definitely treat you well. If you dare to think of anything else, even if you are pregnant, I will still treat you well!"

He said the last sentence through gritted teeth, and the meaning was self-evident.

When Caiwei heard this, she was stunned: "What did you say? I'm...pregnant?"

Saknu snorted and said in annoyance: "It has been more than three months. You should take good care of your body. When your body is almost healed, you will get rid of this bastard. This Khan will never allow his body to be healed." She gave birth to another man’s child!"

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