Caiwei couldn't hear what he said next. She only heard the words "it's been three months". She touched her belly, surprised and happy. She couldn't believe that she was now pregnant with a baby. This little life was her and Nangong Yi's child, the fruit of their love. This feeling... was so amazing!

While she was happy, she was also a little scared. She was only fifteen years old. Will giving birth to a baby at this age hurt her body? Also, will the Yun Yu Gu in her body hurt her baby? In the past few decades, her soul has been taken away by Jiya. During this period, she has not eaten properly. Will the baby be hungry, malnourished or something?

Thinking of this, she glanced at her bed and said in a good mood: "I'm tired, go and sleep for a while, you can do it yourself!"

After saying that, without even looking at Sacnu, he went straight to his bed.

"Damn woman!"

Seeing that she ignored him so much, Saknu cursed in a low voice, but since she didn't strongly reject him, he left quite satisfied...

As soon as Caiwei entered the bed, she couldn't wait to put down the bed curtain and "swipe" into the space. She had to go to the Great Goddess Turtle to check for herself how her baby was doing, so that she could rest assured.

Everything is as usual in the space, the blue sky, the green earth, colorful flowers, and the crystal clear stream.

At this time, Changmei was harvesting crops in the field. During the two months of her absence, the crops were harvested several times from sowing to maturity, and they were all stored in the warehouse by Changmei. Seeing Caiwei, Changmei said worriedly: "Master, who sealed our space? We were all frightened and thought we would never see you again?"

Caiwei smiled and said: "I have sent the parrots to investigate. I will not tolerate it until I find the person who will block our space. By the way, where is the Turtle Immortal? What is it doing?"

Changmei said: "If Great Immortal Turtle is not refining medicine, he is sleeping. You'd better go and see for yourself."

Caiwei nodded and walked towards the elixir. As soon as she entered, she saw that the old turtle was lying on a futon and taking a nap just as Changmei said. Caiwei hurried over and quietly woke it up, saying: "Daxian, I'm pregnant, please help me find out quickly!"

The old turtle slowly opened his eyes and said slowly: "Master, I remember that you haven't even had hairpins yet!"

Caiwei said a little embarrassed: "Yeah, what's wrong? Will it hurt you?"

The old turtle said nothing, stretched out his paws and put it on Caiwei's wrist, examined her quietly for a while, and then said slowly: "It will definitely hurt your body, but there is nothing you can do about it. These few The child has come to seek refuge with you. Now that you have everything, let’s give birth to it well. I will prescribe you some medicine to recuperate your body, so as not to cause too much damage to your body!"

Caiwei was startled, looked at the old turtle in disbelief and said, "What did you say? How many? You mean... I am not pregnant with one child?"

The old turtle said slowly: "It's triplets!"


Caiwei's eyes suddenly doubled in size, and her mouth was opened wide enough to fit a fist!

Triplets, this is too scary!

However, this fright was soon replaced by ecstasy.

Triplets, she gave birth to three at once, so she wouldn’t have to have any more in the future, ho ho ho, that’s great!

"Please check for me quickly. Is the child normal? Nangong Yi and I have both been infected by the Yunyu Gu. Will it harm the child? Also, are they boys or girls? Or, are they boys or girls?"

Caiwei asked a series of questions, and the old turtle didn't know which one to answer, so he chose the last one and said, "I can't tell whether it's a boy or a girl right now. I'll help you find out in more than a month." Well, uh, as for the poison, you don’t have to worry. Although I don’t understand the poison, your body is normal and the child will not be affected in the womb. Oh, by the way, your first What's the problem?"

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