"Child, is the child normal? Is he healthy? I was seduced by Jiya before. Have the children been affected?" Caiwei said eagerly.

The old turtle nodded slowly and said: "The children are all very well. Those monsters and monsters cannot affect the children. However, since the master is pregnant, it is better to kill less or not to kill, so as not to create karma and harm the children." !"

"Yes, I understand. I will not kill any more animals before the child is born!" Caiwei stroked her flat belly lovingly and solemnly promised.

She has already been to hell, and she will never let her children go to that place again because of the karma she created...

"Master, Master, I found out, found out..." Parrot screamed and contacted Caiwei with his mind.

Hearing the sound, Caiwei's expression turned cold: "Who is it?"

Yingge said: "It's Jin Zhong. He is Tianjizi's disciple. He once heard that old man Tianjizi talk about Fuyou Island to his master, so he told Le Tie the method of blocking Fuyou Island. By the way. , Nangong Shi also knows that, in addition to the three of them, Le Chi's two apprentices also know about this."

Caiwei narrowed her eyes, and an evil aura suddenly appeared on her beautiful face, but soon, the evil aura disappeared. She touched her belly and said, "Come back first, later." Let me think about it and then talk about it!"

The old turtle had told her not to kill anyone, so the thought of killing those people only flashed through her mind. Yes, she couldn't kill people, but what should she do with them if she didn't kill them?

While she was thinking hard, her stomach growled at an inappropriate time, "Gulu, Gulu..."

Caiwei lowered her head, touched her belly, and hurriedly started cooking.Now, she has four mouths on her body. She must eat well and on time, and must not let the children go hungry, lest they become malnourished.

She put a lot of thought into this meal. Although it was an ordinary home-cooked meal, when it came to the nutrition of her children, she thought about it for a long time before finalizing the meal.

The rice is ready. It is steamed freshly beaten white stem rice with a strong aroma of wheat. There are three dishes, a bowl of steamed tender egg custard with sparkling oil stars floating on it, and a plate. Tender green stir-fried wolfberry sprouts, a plate of fragrant steamed fish, and a cup of bird's nest stewed sea cucumbers, rich in nutrition, color, flavor and flavor!

Caiwei served a portion each to Changmei, Yingge and Old Turtle. She picked up the bowl and chewed slowly. She had never taken eating so seriously, and she had never eaten with such solemnity. It was as if every time she took a bite of food, she had to consider whether it matched the nutrition of the previous one. In this way, the meal that could have been finished in a quarter of an hour was eaten by her in nearly half an hour.

After eating, she deliberately took a walk among the green fields to help with digestion. As she was walking slowly, a neat voice suddenly sounded outside the space: "Sweat profusely!"

Caiwei heard this and hurriedly looked outside, only to see Saknu striding in with a red plum blossom in his hand. He ignored the maids who saluted him and went straight to her bed.


The bed curtain was roughly pulled open, and at the same time, Caiwei stepped out and sat on the couch.

Saknu opened the bed curtain and saw Caiwei sitting there. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you not sleeping?"

Caiwei rolled her eyes at him and turned her head to the side angrily: "You woke me up!"

While walking, she had already thought about how to deal with Le Chi, Nangong Shi and Sa Nu. She just wanted the white-haired tiger to send them away. No matter whether it was the end of the world or the ends of the earth, at least send them to a place where they would not be able to come back for ten years. The best place is an isolated island, where they can be isolated and let them live on the island for thirty to fifty years like Robinson Crusoe, and then come back as old men unable to take care of themselves...

"Here you go!" At this time, Saknu's voice came, Caiwei turned her head, and a delicate plum blossom almost poked the tip of her nose.

The plum blossoms were in full bloom, with pink petals and yellow stamens. The flowers were fragrant and refreshing. If someone gave it to her, she would definitely take it and enjoy it. But if it was given by Saknu, that was a different matter.

Saknu held the plum blossoms condescendingly. The plum blossoms were more beautiful, but she was more delicate than the flowers. Her skin was as white as suet jade, and her lips were as pink as petals. They reminded him of the wild flowers that sprouted on the hillside of the pasture in early summer. , covered with a thin layer of frost, brand new, eye-catchingly blooming, refreshing...

The man was inexplicably distracted, and stretched out his hand out of nowhere. Before his fingertips touched her cheek, she dodged it.

After dodging, Saknu suddenly came back to his senses, and saw the undisguised disgust in Caiwei's eyes. He couldn't help but be startled. Then he threw away the plum blossoms in his hand, pinched Caiwei's chin, and said with a stern smile. : "Woman, don't forget who you belong to now. Don't say that Ben Khan is just touching you. Even if Ben Khan wants to sleep with you now, you have to take off your clothes for Ben Khan and lie down obediently."

How could Caiwei be willing to be bullied by him? The moment he pinched her, she shouted with her mind: "White-haired tiger!"

Immediately, in the gorgeous palace, a giant white-haired tiger the size of a small mountain appeared out of thin air. It arched its body, roared, and rushed straight towards Saknu.

At the same time, Caiwei entered the space. She had to pay attention to prenatal education and not let her three good babies see bloody scenes, so as not to scare them!

Although she couldn't see it, she could hear the sharp screams of the maids outside, and the roars of Saknu and the white-haired tiger. If she wasn't afraid of scaring the children, she would have really wanted to see this arrogant beast like Saknu. How miserable it would be under the attack of the white-haired tiger.

However, just as she was thinking about it, the voice of a white-haired tiger suddenly came to her ears: "Master, I can't hurt him."

Caiwei said: "I didn't ask you to kill him, I just asked you to bite him. What can't you do? When did you become so kind?"

The white-haired tiger whispered: "Master, he smells like my mother. He is the one with the biggest breasts of my wife!"

When Caiwei heard this, her jaw almost dropped to the ground: "You... mother..."

The white-haired tiger said: "Yes, my mother, that King Liao Dan is my mother's eldest son, that is, my brother. Please don't hurt him, master..."

Caiwei almost vomited blood, so she pointed at the white-haired tiger to help her clean up the beast. She didn't expect that they were brothers. This was very difficult. The white-haired tiger had never asked her to have space for so long. This time, if she insists on dealing with Saknu, the white-haired tiger will definitely be sad...

However, if you don't deal with him, he will never give up on him. Who knows if he will do something crazy next time?

Seeing Caiwei's hesitation, the white-haired tiger said: "Master, I can assure you that he will never bother you again. If he bothers you again, you shouldn't tell me, I will be the first to bite you." Kill him!"

Caiwei hesitated for a moment, looked down at her belly, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll let him go this time, but there will definitely be no next time!"

"Yes, Master, thank you very much!"

The white-haired tiger lowered his head and expressed his gratitude to Caiwei for her generosity.

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