Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1470 Death of Helanna (1)

The white-haired tiger was sent out by Caiwei to negotiate with Saknu. Although it could not speak human language, Saknu understood tiger language, so there was no problem in communicating between them.

Caiwei's conditions and requirements were not many. First, Saknu was not allowed to have any ideas about her, let alone disturb her again; second, he had to hand over Le Chu and his two close disciples, Nangong Shi and Jin Zhong. Wait for five people; thirdly, Liaodan and Dajin must live in peace and never start a war!

Saknu now regrets that he didn't listen to Master Lechi and relieve her of the spell. Now not only can he not get her again, but he has to be controlled by her. He has never suffered from this kind of cowardice in his life. of.

I don't know what the white-haired tiger said to him. After a long time, he walked out of the hall with a sullen face. Not long after, Nangong Shi, Le Chu, Jin Zhong and Le Chu's two apprentices came in. When they saw Li Li When he saw the white-haired tiger in the main hall, his soul was almost frightened, thinking that he was being sent to feed the tiger.

As a result, a white-haired monkey jumped out and sprinkled some medicinal powder on their faces. Although they were trembling with fear, they could not resist the sleepiness caused by the powder. They all fell to the ground and fell asleep!

Caiwei took them into the space, Ming Changmei tied them up, and threw them into an empty room. She waited to tidy them up after returning to Dajin, while she wrote a letter and sent Yingge back to Dajin. Jin made a trip and handed the letter to Nangong Yi.

After being out for so long, the man must be very anxious. If he receives news from her as soon as possible, he will feel at ease as soon as possible. However, with a man's temper, she will definitely look good after she goes back this time. Thinking of this, she felt bad all over, so she had to rush to Lingbei. Otherwise, when he returned, it would take long for the man to let her out again.

After writing the letter, the parrot flew out with the letter. Caiwei took the opportunity to sleep in the space for a long time. She had to ride a white-haired tiger all night long. She had to take advantage of the opportunity to recuperate. Now She knows she is not alone anymore, so she must not be careless.

After sleeping for a few hours, she felt full and got up energetically. She cooked a sumptuous dinner. After eating with the long-browed parrot and the old turtle, she took the white-haired tiger out of the space and took advantage of the sky. It was already dark and we headed straight to Lingbei.

It has been more than three months since she went to Lingbei. There must be a lot of backlog of glass in Lingbei. If she doesn't go again, she may not be able to store it in the library. Also, the cruel burial system in Lingbei has not been abolished. Caiwei It took several months, with the help of Old Turtle and Changmei, to cultivate a fruit tree that could bear fruit in extremely cold areas to abolish the inhumane burial system in Lingbei.

This trip to Lingbei was unusual. She was pregnant now, so she was much more cautious than usual when traveling. Because the weather was bitterly cold, she wore several layers of large sweaters, and her head was wrapped tightly, even her eyes. None of it was exposed, only the two venting nostrils were exposed.

The white-haired tiger carried her and galloped through the night. Liaodan was very close to Lingbei, less than a thousand miles away. At the third watch of the day, the white-haired tiger had already run outside the royal city in Lingbei and put the picked weeds on his back. In the cemetery of Lingbei nobles on the outskirts of the royal city.

It was the middle of the night, and under the miserable moonlight, the cemetery in the suburbs was particularly cold. The tall black tombstone, the ferocious monster carved on the huge stone in front of the tombstone, and the most terrifying thing is the dense circle of female skeletons outside the cemetery.

Many of the skeletons have been chewed to pieces by wild beasts, and the complete skeletons are frozen in an extremely terrifying expression. These poor women must have spent their last days in extreme fear and pain. It must be very painful for them to be executed in such a cruel way!

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