Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1471 Death of Helanna (2)

The white-haired tiger told Caiwei that he wanted to take this opportunity to see his mother. He had not seen her for decades and missed her very much.

Of course Caiwei would not refuse. After sending him away, she said something to the space.

"Come out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Changmei led a bison out of the space. The bison carried a huge fruit tree on its back, and the tree was full of fruits.

This bison was brought into the space when Caiwei and Saknu were getting married, and they were hunting in the royal hunting ground. It was originally intended to be fattened and used to make beef jerky, but because of the docile temperament of this bison, it never lived in the space. Instead of destroying crops, he often helped Changmei drive the shaft to plow the fields, pull and grind flour, etc.

Based on its various advantages, Caiwei kept it. After several months of nourishment by space spiritual energy, the bison actually gained some spirituality. At least, it could understand the instructions Changmei gave it.

"Changmei, dig a hole in front of the tomb and plant a fruit tree!"

After Caiwei gave the order, Changmei hurriedly asked the bison to help her plow a piece of land, and quickly dug a hole. With the help of the bison, she planted the fruit tree.

The fruit on the fruit tree is the size of an apple, and there are eight words on it: "Sacrifice and burial are cruel and unacceptable!"

As for why there are characters on the fruit, this was taught by the shrewd businessmen in the previous life. As long as these characters are affixed to the fruits, after a period of time, these characters will naturally appear on the fruits.

Plowing, digging holes, planting trees, and cultivating soil in the ice and snow is not a simple task, but a huge project. Changmei and Bison were busy until almost five o'clock before loading the fruit trees.

In order to prevent the fruit trees from being frozen to death and allow them to grow prosperously, Caiwei specially transported a lot of soil from the space to plant them, and also used water from the spiritual stream in the space to water them.

After it was done, Changmei swept the snow on the cemetery evenly, covering up their footprints, making the cemetery look like no one had been there, and the tree full of fruits really seemed to grow out of thin air. Like.

After taking care of everything, Caiwei spread a mat on the bison's back, rode on the bison, and let it carry her into the royal city.

The cemetery is still dozens of miles away from the royal city. In the past, Caiwei would have had no problem walking back, but now that she is pregnant, she does not dare to exercise too much.

The speed of the bison is much faster than that of domestic cattle. Coupled with the nourishment of several months of space, it can walk as fast as flying, fast and steady. When the sun rises, it has already reached the edge of the royal city. Picking Wei from the bison He got off his back and put the bison into the space so that no one would be surprised to see him.

The weather in the north is extremely cold. At this time of year, most people are hiding at home, sitting on the hot bed, drinking some wine, or doing the things that couples like to do most on the bed. They never go out unless they can. , so she didn’t meet anyone along the way.

She walked the way into the city, and there were very few people on the road. Until she reached the commercial street, the number of people gradually increased. It can be seen that the commercial street still has a great influence in Lingbei.

When she saw Chaoyun, Chaoyun was excited for a long time. She looked up and down at Caiwei several times with red eyes, and then said with a choked voice: "Miss, where have you been during this time? The emperor sent several groups of people here." I'm looking for you, I thought something bad happened to you, I'm so worried..."

Caiwei evaded the important point and said, "Why are you crying? I'm not doing well. It's been a few months. Have you made any progress in your relationship with the young prince?"

When Chao Yun heard this, his face turned red and he said, "Chao Yun said, I will never marry in this life, why do you still just make fun of others?"

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