Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1472 Death of Helanna (3)

There was a bit of coquettishness in her voice, and she looked very shy, which was incompatible with her usual cold temperament. She had never had such an expression and voice before. Caiwei was someone who had been there before, so she naturally understood what was going on.

The girl in front of her is obviously in love, otherwise she wouldn't have such expressions and behaviors. It's just that she is still holding on to the last line of defense and has not been broken. However, judging from her expression, it seems that she won't be able to hold on for much longer!

After entering the house, Xiangyun brought in the account books for the past few months for Caiwei to review, and went down to prepare food for Caiwei himself.

Caiwei took off her big sweater layer by layer, picked up the accounts for the past few months and checked them. The accounts showed that, except for Shenxing and hot pot restaurants, the business of the commercial street in the past few months was not booming. Maybe it's because the weather is too cold and no one wants to come out, but even if it's not good, there's still a profit of thirty or forty thousand taels.

After checking the account, Chaoyun's breakfast was also ready: a bowl of milk and poria cream, a basket of small steamed buns, four plates of light side dishes, and a cold piece of roasted lamb leg. Although the meals are simple, they are nutritious, tasty and delicious.

Caiwei was hungry. Seeing these nutritious and delicious food and drinks, she hurriedly came over and sat down. She raised her chopsticks and was about to eat when she heard the sound of the door opening outside.

Then came a young man's voice: "It smells so good. What delicious food have you made today?"

Before he finished speaking, people had already come in.

Caiwei smiled and teased: "Little prince, long time no see. It's been so long. Are you still eating and drinking with Chao Yun'er?"

Tuoba Liang was stunned for a moment when he saw Caiwei, and then he smiled naturally and said, "Empress Mu doesn't know something. A few days ago, the emperor sent a letter saying that you were missing. Chaoyun was so anxious that he frowned and cried every day. Yes, if Xiao Wang hadn't come over and watched her eat every day, I'm afraid she would have lost weight by now."

After saying that, without waiting for Caiwei's reply, she turned to Chaoyun and said, "Look, isn't Queen Mu here well? You look so anxious these days, you have lost a lot of weight."

As he spoke, he sat down opposite Caiwei, with a casual and natural attitude, as if he was at home.

Caiwei looked at Chao Yun who was blushing and said with a smile: "Come over and eat together, otherwise you will lose weight due to hunger and someone will feel sorry for you!"

Chao Yun glared at Tuo Baliang, walked over with a blushing face, and sat with them.

Tuoba Liang was very happy with his beloved's jealousy. While eating, he accidentally said, "I won't come over during lunch. Mrs. Helan Nayan passed away last night. I will probably have to go to work later." Funeral matters."

Isn't Helan Nayan the daughter of Queen Jiya, the princess of the Xianbei Kingdom, the woman who has coveted Nangong Yi for many years? Caiwei raised her head and said strangely: "You were so good, why did you die?"

Tuoba Liang said: "Recently, the Great Khan favored a woman from the Jin Dynasty. The Helan Nalan family was very unhappy. Several times she caused trouble for that woman, but the Great Khan protected her. Last night at the Great Khan's birthday party, Helan Nalan was He actually wanted to take advantage of the chaos to poison the woman, but her maid took the wrong cup. As a result, Yan threw a rock at her own foot and poisoned herself to death. The unborn fetus in her belly also followed suit. Died together."

"You are really harming yourself instead of harming others!"

Caiwei sighed and suddenly thought of Xia Jingui in "A Dream of Red Mansions". Back then, Xia Jingui wanted to poison Xiangling, but ended up poisoning herself to death. Now it seems that these women's dirty tricks must have Even God can't stand it any longer. He has given them retribution in some mysterious way. As the saying goes: God's law is so clear and retribution is not pleasant!

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