Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1473 Death of Helanna (4)

After dinner, Caiwei went to the warehouse to find Du Yongqi and wanted to collect the glass.

When Du Yongqi saw her, he knelt down before opening his mouth and shouted: "Empress, help me!"

Caiwei said: "When you have something to say, don't kneel down and kowtow. What's wrong, but someone made you angry?"

Du Yongqi said: "No one gave Xiao a hard time, but my little sister Yueniang was abducted by a group of masked men two months ago. Now her life and death are unknown. I hope my mother can help me find her." "

"Don't worry, this matter is taken care of by me."

Caiwei agreed and said, "When I come next time, I will help you find Yueniang and bring her back."

When Du Yongqi heard this, he burst into tears of gratitude and almost kowtowed to Caiwei. He was stopped by Caiwei. "It's better to open the warehouse, I'm going to collect the glass!"

After hearing this, Du Yongqi hurriedly opened the warehouse. Caiwei took a look and was shocked, but saw that the endless warehouse was filled with glass from the inside to the outside, and it was almost impossible to fit it in!

"Madam, these are 150,000 pieces of glass, which have been produced in the past few months. I paid more than 30,000 taels of silver to Miss Chao Yun, and the remaining 110,000 taels of silver have not yet been paid.  "

Caiwei nodded: "I understand!" She said and silently said: "Take it!"

As a result, the glass in a warehouse disappeared without a trace in an instant.

There was a moment of shock in Du Yongqi's eyes. He hurriedly lowered his head to block the turbulent waves in his eyes. It was not the first day he knew that the Queen had magic, but every time he saw it, he would still be shocked for several days. Couldn't sleep for several nights.

The empress is so powerful, no wonder she can become the empress. In the past, they all thought that she could become the empress. It was just because she was good-looking and captured the emperor's soul that she became the emperor. Now it seems that who can be the empress? Who is not sure!

After collecting the glass, Caiwei went to Tuoba Hong's royal tent. Anyway, Tuoba Hong's Yan family passed away, and she came to Lingbei again. It would be wrong not to go and express her condolences.

In order to express her condolences, she changed into plain clothes and did not wear bright jewelry on her head.

When entering the king's tent, Helanna's coffin was already parked. The nobles in Lingbei were all wearing white mourning clothes and hats, singing prayer songs with their hands raised, and slowly walked past Helanna's coffin to pray for her soul and the soul of her unborn child. Pray for blessings.

Dozens of poor young maids knelt on the ground, weeping loudly, and some even burst into tears. They were all designated to be buried, and would be built into the periphery of the tomb later.

Seeing this, Caiwei was secretly glad that she arrived in time, otherwise, these poor maids might have died a miserable death!

Tuoba Hong saw that Caiwei had also come to express his condolences, so he hurriedly invited Caiwei to the king's tent and talked to Caiwei personally. Caiwei pretended to comfort him and paid him the remaining 110,000 taels of glass silver.

At this time, a maid offered tea. Caiwei accidentally saw the maid, was startled, and asked in surprise: "Aunt, why are you here?"

Du Meiren said gently: "Thanks to the grace of the empress, let us out of the palace. After I came out, I took Shishu and Nongmo to the north to look for my father and brothers."

As early as the last autumn hunt, Caiwei had already issued an order to release the late emperor's concubines who had not been favored by the emperor. Even the low-level concubines who had been favored and had no heirs were also released by her. . Now there are only about ten concubines left in the palace, most of them have high status or have given birth to princesses, because those who gave birth to princes have long been sent to marry their own sons to the fiefdom.

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