Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1474 Death of Helanna (5)

"But..." Caiwei wanted to ask why you were in Tuoba Hong's royal tent, but she felt that it was too impolite to ask, as if she wanted to pry into someone's privacy, so she said the word "but" , and didn’t ask further.

Du Meiren, on the other hand, smiled gently at Tuoba Hong and said, "Great Khan, you go to the front and do your work. I will accompany the Queen."

Seeing that they were old acquaintances and relatives, Tuoba Hong nodded, got up and went to the front.

After Tuobahong left, Caiwei became serious and said, "Aunt, what on earth is going on? Why are you in Tuobahong's royal tent? Were you robbed by him?"

Du Meiren sat down, looked at Caiwei seriously and tenderly, and said, "Yes at first, but now I am willing to stay with the Khan.  "

Upon hearing this, Caiwei's face suddenly showed a look of disappointment, feeling deeply unworthy of Du Meiren's decision.

What's so good about Tuoba Hong? He's feudal and conservative, he's chauvinistic, and most importantly, he has a lot of wives and concubines. How could he only be good to one woman in his life? What's wrong with my aunt? She didn't marry such a person. She originally wanted to allocate her to Cao Jin, but Cao Jin's wife just died. She couldn't propose marriage to him so quickly. She didn't expect that she would marry her so quickly. He was sent to the palace again.

Seeing that Caiwei was disappointed with her, Du Meiren was very sad. She said, "Weier, when I was first robbed into the king's tent, I thought about fighting, and even wanted to fight with my life. However, the Great Khan was so cruel to me." He is very good, he can give me a stable life, a child, and fulfill my dream of being a woman and a mother. For me, this is enough. As for love, give it to me profusely I want it, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't give it to me, as long as I have children, my own children, and my children and I can live well under his protection. I am very content to have so much..."

Everyone has their own ambitions. Since she is very satisfied with the current situation, Caiwei can't afford to worry about what she can do for others. She said: "I heard that the Helan Nalan family poisoned herself to death by accidentally eating poison for the sake of a woman whom the Great Khan favored. Is the woman she wanted to poison you?"

Du Meiren nodded and said worriedly: "It's me. I'm worried about this. Yan's death has something to do with me. I wonder if Xianbei will cause trouble for me."

Caiwei didn't think she would be in any trouble. Queen Jiya was dead. King Xianbei hated Jiya and He Lanqing deeply, and he was not expected to care about Jiya's daughter. Therefore, Du Meiren's worries should be unnecessary.

However, she did not tell the truth and only said: "If Tuoba Hong cares about you, he will definitely protect you."

"Well, the Great Khan also said that he will definitely protect me..."

The two chatted for a while, and while they were talking, the parrot's voice suddenly came: "Master, the emperor is not in the palace!"

Caiwei was calm and said, "Go and see, where has he gone?"


The parrot flew up, looked at it with its heavenly eyes for a while, and shouted: "Master, the emperor has arrived in the territory of Liaodan Kingdom and is rushing to Shengjing!"

When Caiwei heard this, she was suddenly moved. She put her hand on her belly and said softly: "Quick, go to Liaodan to stop him and deliver the letter to him, so as not to tire him..."

Caiwei's gentle tone made the parrot's skin crawl, and its feathers stood up. It shivered and said in a loud voice, "Master, is it already spring?"

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