Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1475 Death of Helanna (6)

The corner of Caiwei's mouth twitched twice, knowing that the bird was mocking her, so she smiled sinisterly and said, "Parrot, I'm making a new piece of jewelry and I need some brightly colored feathers to make it." For decoration, why don't you lend me a few?"

The parrot trembled and said, "Master, what are you talking about? I have to move too fast and can't hear you clearly?"

After saying that, he shook his hair and rushed north like an arrow...

In the afternoon, the people who were sent to the cemetery to build a tomb for the Helan Nalan family came back with the craftsmen making a fuss. One of the leaders was holding a frozen fruit in his hand. When he saw Tuoba Hong, he became nervous. Frustrated, he raised the icy fruit in his hand above his head and shouted: "Great Khan, something bad has happened. The burial system of our Meng slaves has aroused the anger of the Karen God!"

In the mourning hall, Tuoba Hong and other Lingbei nobles were watching the great wizard perform the soul dance. Hearing this, they were surprised and said, "What's going on?"

The person who was sent to repair the tomb said: "When we rushed to the cemetery, we saw a strange fruit tree growing in front of the old Khan's tomb. When we got there, we took a look and found that the fruit tree was full of words with words. On the fruit, it says: Burial is cruel and cannot be tolerated by nature! The subordinates thought this was a revelation brought to us by God Karen, so they did not dare to repair the tomb, nor did they dare to dig the buried maids into the ground, so they had to come back to ask for instructions. Sweating!"

This sentence immediately caused a lot of commotion in the mourning hall. Everyone was talking and passing the fruit one by one. Every time it came into the hands of someone, that person would definitely wipe the writing on it with his hands. I wanted to erase the writing, but the writing seemed to have grown on the fruit and I couldn't erase it at all.

Finally, everyone in the room saw the fruit they had never seen before, and the mourning hall fell into silence.

The great wizard said slowly: "Great Khan, since God Karen has given us a hint, if we continue to disobey God's will, we will definitely be punished by God!"

"Yes, Khan, we think so too..." Many people agreed.

However, the funeral ceremony was a system that lasted for hundreds of years in Liao and Dan. It was abolished all of a sudden. Many people disagreed, especially the elderly nobles. They disagreed with the abolition of Mongolian slaves based on just one fruit. Rules that have lasted for hundreds of years.

A heated debate broke out between the supporters and the opposition. Tuobahong was troubled by their quarrel and suggested that everyone go to the tomb of the first Khan and then make a decision.

This proposal was approved by everyone. After the discussion, under the leadership of Ting Bao, a group of people left the royal city and went to the grave of the previous Khan.

When we arrived at Xian Khan's cemetery, everyone was shocked when they saw the leafy and vibrant fruit tree in the snow and the trees full of fruits. There were hundreds of fruits growing on the fruit trees. Written in exactly the same handwriting: "Sacrifice and burial are cruel and cannot be tolerated by nature!"

Everyone was shocked by this shocking scene, and they all knelt down and worshiped the big tree devoutly.

"God Karen, we know we were wrong, please forgive our sins..."

"God Karen, we will definitely change..."

"God Karen, please bless us..."

Everyone worshiped extremely devoutly, and even the old men who opposed the abolition of sacrificial burials joined in, not to mention their opposition to the abolition of sacrificial burials.

In this way, the burial system of Mengnu that had lasted for hundreds of years was abolished in public by Tuoba Hong Khan in front of the tomb of the previous Khan under the inspiration of a fruit tree given by the God of Karen!

Caiwei only found out about this in the evening. At that time, she had just come out of the space after a full sleep. After hearing the news told to her by Chao Yun, she smiled knowingly.

It didn't cost a single soldier, didn't involve any smoke or fire, and didn't even cost a single word. It only used one fruit tree to save the lives of so many innocent women. This deal was really a bargain. !

Chaoyun brought dinner, which was Caiwei's favorite hot pot. Thin slices of meat, fragrant soup stock, and various green vegetables, which whetted your appetite before you even started eating. In the cold Lingbei area, the best food in winter is hot pot!

At that moment, Caiwei picked up the chopsticks and ate happily. Tonight, she will go to Liaodan again to pick up her man, and then they will go back to Dajin together. Therefore, she had to eat and drink enough to avoid starving the three babies in her belly.

The white-haired tiger is on his way to the royal city. He is expected to arrive at the royal city when it gets dark. Before the white-haired tiger arrives, Caiwei transports many things from space, such as leaving enough food for a hot pot restaurant for a month. Green vegetables, and hundreds of ginseng trees of various ages were left for Ginseng Bank, and a lot of rice and noodles were left for the newly opened rice store. Hundreds of fish and dozens of pheasants were left for the meat store. , hares, these things are temporarily unavailable in Dajin, but they can play a great role here.

After settling in, the white-haired tiger also arrived. Caiwei put on a thick sweater, rode on the white-haired tiger, and went to Liaodan...

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