Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1476 Husband and wife meet (1)

On a barren mountain somewhere in Liaodan, a group of people were stopping there for lunch. Their lunch was very simple. They took out the dry food they brought with them and roasted it on a fire made of picked dry branches.The water in the water bag had long since frozen into ice, making it impossible to drink. Because they were thirsty, they had no choice but to grab a handful of snow and swallow it together with the hot dry food.

Nangong Yi also stood in front of the fire, lowering his head and baking a piece of cake in his hand. In three months, he had lost a lot of weight. His face, which was originally as fair as jade, now turned into a darker wheat color, faintly The green beard on his cheeks can still be seen on the ground, and the robe and cloak on his body are also wrinkled. They haven't changed for many days, and they are no longer the same as before.

The biscuits in his hand were all burnt, but to him, there was no difference between scones and barbecue.

Ever since he knew that she had been kidnapped to Liaodan, his heart felt like it was on fire, and he wished he could fly to her side and save her from the fire and water. Because of his anxiety, his sense of taste almost disappeared, and he could no longer feel the cold or pain even when the cold wind from the north hit his body.

There was only one thought in his mind, to get to Liaodan as soon as possible and rescue her as soon as possible. When he thought of the injustice she might suffer, his heart hurt as if he had been stabbed by a knife!

These days, he has been traveling day and night. Apart from eating and sleeping, he has spent almost all the rest of his time on horseback. He can no longer remember how many horses were exhausted. He only remembers the whistling wind in his ears and the whipping. The "crack" sound of the whip.

"Master, in three days, we can reach Shengjing!" Zhui Feng held the map, stood next to Nangong Yi, and reported to him solemnly.

Nangong Yi frowned: "Three days, it's too long. Who knows what will happen in three days? Shrink it into two days."

Zhui Feng froze for a moment, then said, "Yes!"

Although the master's requirements are a bit harsh, as hidden guards, they have been instilled in them the concept of being loyal to their master throughout their lives. It is their duty to obey their master's orders. No matter whether the master's order is reasonable or not, they just obey.

They are born for the Master and can die for the Master at any time. For them, the Master is their sun and dominates their lives.

They were heartbroken to see their master anxious and emaciated because of the queen. Therefore, even though they slept in the open air and ran around day and night, they had no complaints. They just wanted to reach Liaodan as soon as possible, rescue the queen as soon as possible, and put their master at ease.

Immediately, he put away the map and ordered the hidden guards who were following him: "Eat quickly. Set off immediately after eating. We will drive all night tonight and we will not rest until Hai hour!"

After hearing this, the hidden guards hurriedly put the scones in their hands towards the fire. When they were toasted a little softer, they hurriedly stuffed them into their mouths. After eating the cake quickly, everyone got on their horses, whipped up their whips, and galloped forward again.

The horses carried them and galloped along the official road of Liaodan. The horses' hooves splashed the snow foam on the ground, blurring the eyes of those behind. The further north you go, the colder the weather becomes, and your breath turns into clouds of white mist. The wind from the north was very hard, and it was a biting pain on the face. Nangong Yi ran at the front, already numb to the cold wind hitting his body and face. Over the past few days, he had been so cold that he had lost his pain-sensing nerves. , sometimes, I can’t even feel when I’m hungry or sleepy.

A group of people were galloping on horseback when suddenly, a clear bird song sounded above their heads. Then, a red-billed green parrot swooped down like an arrow, circled in front of Nangong Yi, and landed on his horse.

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