Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1479 Husband and wife meet (4)

"Weier, come on, sit down...are you tired, are you cold..."

He held her carefully, as if she were a fragile treasure, and even looked at her cautiously, as if he was afraid of spoiling her.

Caiwei got on the kang with his help and sat on the mat at the head of the kang. He covered her body with his cloak. Caiwei looked at the man with a smile and said, "Look at how careful you are. The baby is more than three months old and the fetal pressure has been stable. Why do you need to make such a fuss and sting?"

Nangong Yi said with a serious face: "Be careful, the ship will sail for ten thousand years, it is related to our children and the future of our country, it is always right to be careful..."

While we were talking, the waiter knocked on the door again and asked if we could serve food. All the hidden guards had eaten, and they had eaten very sumptuously. Only Nangong Yi had not eaten.

Before Nangong Yi could answer, Caiwei rushed to the door and shouted: "No, he won't eat, he's not hungry!" After shouting, she said to Nangong Yi with a smile: "I made delicious food for you. You wait."

After saying that, he used his mind to take out the dishes he had made in the space one by one in the morning. It was placed on the Kang table at the head of the Kang.

A plate of pheasant chicken stewed with mushrooms, a plate of vegetarian stir-fried water spinach, a plate of small fried fish in ghee, a bowl of egg custard, a plate of watermelon pulp mixed with icing sugar, and two bowls of white stem rice steamed with newly harvested rice. , fragrant and hot, filling the Kang table.

Although they are all home-cooked meals, in this remote town, having such delicious food is already a luxury.

Nangong Yi looked at these fragrant meals and said distressedly: "You are pregnant, so you shouldn't have to work so hard. Besides, you can just eat some porridge and steamed buns in the morning. Why bother to make such a big effort?" There’s a big table!”

Of course, Caiwei would not say that she had a guilty conscience and was afraid that the man would punish her, so she cooked a table of food to make up for it. Occasionally telling white lies between husband and wife can help enhance the relationship between husband and wife.

She took out a jar of fruit wine, poured it for Nangong Yi, handed it over with both hands, and said affectionately: "What I do is what a wife should do. Don't worry, I won't be tired after one meal. It's you, the days when I was away made you worry. For me, you traveled thousands of miles to rescue me. Yi, I'm really touched. Although I don't need your rescue, I still want to thank you. You really......"

Nangong Yi took the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. He looked at Caiwei and said solemnly: "Caiwei, in my heart, we are inseparable from each other. Saving you is what I am willing and must do." , just say thank you to me. If you are really grateful to me, please believe me. If anything happens, don’t face it alone, let alone hide it from me. No matter what happens, remember to tell your man, Let your man solve it, or the two of us can face it and solve it together. If you can do this, it is the greatest reward for me!"

This was his summary of her disappearance this time. Since she was pregnant, all the methods of punishing her that he had originally thought of were no longer useful. He had no choice but to avoid the most serious and give a warning, and let it go.

Caiwei understood that since the man said so, the matter this time would be considered a reversal. She felt grateful and ashamed at the same time. She pursed her lips, lowered her head and whispered, "I know! Never again." It will be like this..."

After eating, Caiwei put the remaining food into the space and lay down with Nangong Yi on the hot Kang. After running around all night last night, now that he had eaten and drank enough, his tiredness came over him, and Nangong Yi couldn't bear to be separated from her. Then he lay down with her, held her carefully, and watched her fall asleep...

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