Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1480 Husband and wife meet (5)

The two of them were as tender and loving as glue, but they didn't know that a huge and earth-shaking storm was going on in the distant court hall of the Jin Dynasty.   !

Yesterday during the morning court session, General Li Kaifeng suddenly revealed that the emperor on the dragon throne was a fake and a fake, which shocked the civil and military officials of the court.

Shocked, the officials strongly demanded a thorough investigation of the matter. As a result, the fake emperor was exposed. The officials were furious and worked together to imprison Duke Li for treason. The general who protected the country even wanted to find him. In the name of the emperor and the queen, he led troops to surround the palace. He claimed that if the emperor could not be found within three days, he would be charged with treason and all the people in Duke Li's mansion would be sentenced to death, including Empress Dowager Mo, who was born in Duke Li's mansion, and Princess Chaoyue, the daughter of Empress Dowager Mo. Don't let it go.

The Supreme Emperor was also imprisoned because the general said that the current Supreme Emperor was also a fake and was a substitute for Duke Li to plot rebellion. Even the concubines and princesses in the palace were placed under house arrest. The Emperor and Queen disappeared mysteriously, and the palace No one among them can be separated, so until the emperor and queen are found, everyone is suspicious.

Although the Mu Mansion was fine for the time being, hearing that the Emperor and Queen were missing made Mu Zhongqing and his wife both worried and distressed. Especially Fei'er, who was worried about her sister and brother-in-law, and felt sorry for Mo Ziqi. She couldn't help but feel anxious and worried. I was afraid that my mother would see her anxious, so I could only hide and cry secretly...

During the period when Cai Wei was no longer around, the women's academy under the auspices of the Hanlin Academy had been opened. Most of the daughters of officials of the third and higher grades in the imperial court went to the academy to study. Liu Xi was responsible for teaching Arabic arithmetic to the rich ladies from various prefectures in the academy. Fa, I learned about this from a young lady this morning, and I was very worried.

Caiwei is the person closest to him in this world. If something happens to her, he will really be alone in this world!

The wind was blowing in Beijing and a heavy rain was coming, but Caiwei and Nangong Yi were still soaking in the honey pot without realizing it, so sweet that they became tired of it.

At noon, Caiwei woke up in the man's arms. When she woke up, the man was looking at her with his charming eyes. Seeing that she was awake, the man's sexy thin lips curved up and he said dotingly. : "Are you awake? Have you had enough sleep? Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'll ask someone to cook it for you."

Caiwei snuggled into his arms and, full of bed air, she hooked her arms around his neck softly and coquettishly and said, "I went to bed after eating in the morning. Now I wake up and want to eat again. Are you going to raise me like a pig?"

Nangong Yi pretended to think deeply and said, "As a pig? Well, that's a good idea. I'll keep him in a pen from now on!"

Hearing this, Caiwei quit, grabbed the man and beat him violently, "Nangong Yi, you were so frightened that you said: "Good boy, stop hitting, be careful of the child..."

One sentence made Caiwei wake up from a dream. She hurriedly stopped her hand, carefully touched her belly and said, "Baby, mom forgot about it just now. She didn't mean to move around. Don't get angry with mom." Ah, mother will never do this again..."

Nangong Yi looked at her cautious look and started to chuckle and said, "The child is still a fetus. If you say anything to him, even if you say it, he won't hear what you are saying at all."

Caiwei rolled her eyes at him and said, "Why can't you hear me? I'm doing prenatal education. What do you know?"

After saying that, he muttered in his heart: "Old antique!"

In her previous world, prenatal education was a well-known thing. From ancient times to modern times, it has been sought after by pregnant women. "Historical Records" said that the reason why King Wen of Zhou became a wise king was because his mother was too rich. A woman with "dignified integrity" and "virtuous conduct". When she was pregnant with King Wen, her "eyes could not see evil, her ears could not hear obscene sounds, and her mouth could not speak arrogant words", so King Wen "was born a wise sage, and he taught one person and knew hundreds", and people praised him as "he is capable when he is too much" prenatal education."

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