Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1481 Husband and wife meet (6)

In modern times, the methods of prenatal education for expectant mothers are even more diverse and endless: music prenatal education, stroking prenatal education, touch and slap prenatal education, light prenatal education, language prenatal education, "Ssidedic" prenatal education, exercise prenatal education, psychological prenatal education, dietary prenatal education, etc. It's dazzling and dizzying.

Scientific experiments have proven that prenatal education has many benefits for children's growth and development. For example, it can promote the establishment of pathways between dendrites, axons, synapses and central nervous systems, and improve the brain's ability to interact with sensory, movement, thinking, memory and other functions. The closely related neural network is richer, the feeling and thinking are more agile, the information storage capacity is larger, and it will be more beneficial to the intellectual development of the fetus after birth.

However, even if these modern scientific theories were told to this ancient senior, he would not understand. Therefore, Caiwei was not going to waste her time explaining them to him. However, when she returned to the palace, she must make a good prenatal education plan. Create a good growth space for your babies.

Nangong Yi really didn't understand what prenatal education was, and he felt fresh when he heard her say the word prenatal education. Moreover, he also knew what prenatal education meant through the literal meaning. Anyway, it was something beneficial to the child. If she wanted prenatal education, she could do it. Let her go to prenatal education...

In the evening, Nangong Yi and Caiwei were preparing to go to Dajin. After being out for many days, a substitute had been struggling to support him in the court. He didn't know what the situation was now. Now that Caiwei had been found, he planned to hurry up Let's go back, so as not to cause any trouble if we go back late.

Nangong Yi spoke to Zhui Feng Zhuyue, took Caiwei and rode on the white-haired tiger, quietly left the Liaodan town in the night and rushed towards the Great Jin Kingdom.

Nangong Yi sat in front of Caiwei to protect her from the wind. He was afraid that she would freeze, so he specially put on four or five layers of cotton-padded clothes for her, and wrapped her in a thick big woolen robe, which was wrapped like a rice dumpling. , chubby, even though she was like this, he was still worried, fearing that she would be frozen.

This place is thousands of miles away from the capital of Jin Dynasty, and the white-haired tiger cannot run in one night. Therefore, when it crossed the Karen Mountain and ran to Qingxian County, Caiwei let it stay at the best inn in Qingxian County. Stopped outside.

It was already five o'clock at this time, the sky was still dark, and there was no one on the street. Nangong Yi took Caiwei's hand, knocked on the door of the inn, asked for a room and moved in.

Caiwei once lived with Nangong Yi in this inn. When they were not together, she met Saknu for the first time and was bullied by Saknu. It was Nangong Yi who saved her and brought her with their family. They all came here and stayed here for several days!

This time, they lived in the same house that Caiwei's family lived in last time. Everything in the house was as before, including the fire pit and the charcoal pot. As soon as they entered, they immediately felt a wave of warmth rushing towards their faces. The body that was about to freeze immediately warmed up a lot.

After running around all night, the first thing the two of them did was naturally sleep. But Caiwei was pregnant now and wanted to develop regular eating habits, so she endured her tiredness and ordered the waiter to cook the meal first, planning to eat before going to bed.

After hearing Caiwei's instructions, Nangong Yi glanced at the waiter again, suddenly stood up and said, "Where is the kitchen? I'd better do it."

He was afraid that the food outside was unclean and would upset her stomach, so he wanted to make it himself for his wife and children.

The waiter said in embarrassment: "Sir, we have never had a guest here ask to cook for himself. This is really embarrassing for you!"

Nangong Yi chuckled lightly, took out a piece of silver from his bag, put it on the case, and said, "Are you still in trouble now?"

"No, no, don't be embarrassed..."

The waiter took the bare piece of silver and smiled so hard that his lips almost reached the heel of his ears, and his eyes disappeared from laughter. He put the silver into his sleeves and went out quickly, as if he was afraid that Nangong Yi would regret it and take the money again. It's like I want my money back.

Nangong Yi helped Caiwei take off layers of thick cotton clothes, and poured her a cup of hot tea before going out to cook.

After the man left, Caiwei entered the space and took a bath in the hot spring. After she felt relieved, she put on light clothes and left the space.

After a while, the man came back, but his hands were empty.

Caiwei said strangely: "Eh? Where's the breakfast you made?"

Nangong Yi said frustratedly: "I sent the waiter out to buy cooking utensils again. The cooking utensils in the inn kitchen are so dirty, and the grease on the pot is so thick!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his thumb and index finger to show the thickness of the copper coin.

Caiwei smiled helplessly and said: "You are really a young man from a noble family. He doesn't even know this bit of common sense. The food outside is made in this way. How can there be anything clean? As the saying goes, 'Out of sight, out of mind. To be clean.’ If we investigate seriously, I’m afraid Jufu’s kitchen is not clean either!”

Nangong Yi glanced at Caiwei's belly and said, "From now on, let's not eat out. If you want to eat something, I'll ask the imperial chef to cook it for you. If the imperial chef can't cook it, I'll take that chef into the palace." Here, let him do it for you!"

Caiwei smiled and said, "Okay, but for now, if we have to wait until the waiter buys the cooking utensils and installs the stove, we may starve. I think I'd better do it."

In the past, she always liked to eat steamed buns, porridge, pickles, etc. for breakfast. But now that she has a baby, she wants to eat scientifically. People say she should eat breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a commoner, and dinner like a commoner. She eats like a beggar, but because she has three babies in her belly, she must eat more to supply the nutrients needed for the children's physical development. Therefore, she prepares every meal to be delicious and eat carefully. We ate like a king until the children were born!

Therefore, she picked some blueberries, strawberries and other berries, made a few fruit pies, and baked a few vanilla pancakes. They were delicious and the whole space was filled with the rich aroma of wheat and fruity vanilla. smell.

The bison raised in the space was a cow and produced milk. She squeezed a can of milk, heated it, added some icing sugar, poured the milk into a cup, put it on a tray with the cake, and served it. out.

The time outside is different from the time in space. Although Caiwei has been busy inside for a long time, in Nangong Yi's eyes, it was just a moment's work.

"Come on, try the cake I made!" Caiwei put the cake on the table and greeted Nangong Yi with a smile.

Nangong Yi washed his hands, walked over, sat at the table, and watched Caiwei take a slender knife and carefully cut the cake into pieces.

"Come on, try this vanilla pancake first, I'm sure you haven't tried it before!"

Caiwei added a piece of vanilla pancake to the man's plate, and sat down opposite her, starting to enjoy this delicious breakfast!

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