Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1488 Take him into space (2)

When I got inside, I saw an extremely quiet small room. There was no decoration in the room. There was only a straw mat on the floor. There was a three-legged bronze tripod in front of the mat. Behind the straw mat, there was a mottled case with several items on it. Ten old and shabby books, the pages have turned yellow, and they look old at first glance.

Passing through the small room, I walked to another room. This was a simple bedroom, which was like a snow cave. Except for a few simple pieces of furniture, there were no toys. There was only an earthen vase on the table with a few chrysanthemums in it. , and a tea set, a green gauze curtain hung on the bed, and the quilt was very simple, but his wife was not here.

After leaving the room, he walked inside again. After walking for a while, he was surprised to find that there was a big mystery hidden in this small bamboo house. It was not as small as he saw from the outside. Inside the bamboo house, there was a huge In addition to multiple rooms and bedrooms, there are also alchemy rooms, practice rooms, kitchens, warehouses and secret rooms.

He visited each room, and in the alchemy room, he saw an old turtle who was refining alchemy. The old turtle was not surprised at all when he saw him, and even gave him a kind smile; when passing by the secret room, he accidentally went to He took a look inside, and saw his second brother, the former deposed prince Nangong Shi, tied up with several men inside, tied together like pigs.

Nangong Yi was greatly surprised, wondering why he was here? At this time, Nangong Shi also saw him and shouted: "Lao San, what do you mean? Did you tie me here? Are you going to kill me?"

Nangong Yi glanced at the embarrassed Nangong Shi, did not answer, and turned to find his wife.

After searching for a long time in the maze-like bamboo house, he finally found her in a room filled with mist.

At this time, Caiwei was half-lying in the hot spring taking a bath. In the mist, her black hair was loosely coiled on top of her head and tied into a bun. Under the loose bun, there were occasionally a few naughty strands. It hung down on her slender, graceful and fair-skinned jade neck, making her hair look like thick ink and her skin like cream.

She closed her eyes and lay lazily in the hot spring. Her beautiful lines could be seen at a glance. That stunning picture was really beautiful!

Nangong Yi hesitated for a moment and walked over gently. If he hadn't been shocked by the space and such a big thing happened outside, he would have lost his mind long ago.

He sat down by the hot spring, slowly picked up a handful of water, sprinkled it on her exposed shoulders, and scrubbed her body lovingly, as if he was wiping the most precious treasure in the world. .

After a long time, he said quietly: "Madam, I just saw Nangong Shi and Jin Zhong beside him. Why are they here?"

Caiwei didn't open her eyes and said lazily: "I thought you would ask about the situation outside first. Yingge just reported that there is chaos outside, and the substitute you left in the court has been exposed and thrown into prison. All the men in Duke Li's palace were imprisoned, the Queen Mother and Chaoyue were also detained, and even the Qixia Palace of the Supreme Emperor was trapped..."

"Who did it?"

Nangong Yi's eyebrows frowned, and his face showed a bit of cruelty.

Caiwei said: "What do you think?"

"General Li Kaifeng who protects the country!"

Nangong Yi said firmly that there was no need to guess, he could think of anyone on his knees who could mobilize the entire army in the capital, surround the palace, and imprison the Queen Mother, the Supreme Emperor, and the Princesses, except for the powerful General Protector of the Country. , and no second person can be found.

Seeing that the man's eyes were cold and stern, Caiwei slowly sat up from the water and said softly: "Yi, you don't have to worry. This matter started with me and I will solve it. I promise you, no With one soldier and one soldier, I will help you wipe out the rebellion and give you a clean country."

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