Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1489 Take him into space (3)

After hearing this, Nangong Yi said: "You are pregnant, so you don't have to worry about it. I have my own way to deal with this rebellious minister."

Caiwei said: "It's not like we go to the battlefield to fight them with swords and guns. We use space cheating devices to deal with them. We can solve this turmoil without any blood. If you use your method, killing will be inevitable, so why should you?" How about doing it yourself?"

The man said: "Conquering the country is a man's business. If I rely on you for everything and don't need anyone else, even I will look down on myself."


Caiwei rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, "As husband and wife, we are supposed to share blessings and share hardships. Whoever comes forward makes it different? Why do you have to worry about the unwarranted face? For your own sake, To save face and balance your heart, do you feel better if you let so many innocent people die? Please note that killing is too heavy and goes against the harmony of nature. I am still pregnant with my child and hope to accumulate more blessings for my child! Do you want to bring karma to your child?"

Nangong Yi was moved. He paused for a while and sighed: "Weier, it's not that I want to show off, but just for me, you have done too much, and it makes me feel bad!"

Caiwei leaned over, lay on the man's knee, and said softly: "You are still talking about me, so why not you? Just like this time, if you didn't save me, you would never leave the country." Regardless, you rushed thousands of miles to save me, but, Yi, as the king of a country, you bear the important task of stabilizing the country, the country, and the country. Next time, you must not ignore the country, the country, the country, and the people of the world for the sake of the love of your children. His temper is doing something!"

After hearing this, the man ruffled her hair and said quietly: "Don't just talk about me, Caiwei, we have changed places. How will you handle this?"

When Caiwei heard this, she was immediately choked. Yes, she would choose just like a man when they change places. In their hearts, each other is much more important than the country. Without them, the sun, the moon, the mountains and the rivers would still be the same. But if they didn't have each other, they would never survive.

Therefore, her words to persuade men are not valid.

The water in the hot spring was misty and the temperature was suitable. Caiwei rested against Nangong Yi for a while. The fatigue on her body had disappeared. She slowly stood up from inside, like a smooth mermaid, standing on the man's side. On the opposite side, he said softly: "The hot spring bath here is very comfortable. You can also take a bath later to relax your body. I went to make breakfast. When the officials gather together to discuss matters, we will go out again." , clean up those rebellious officials and traitors!"


Nangong Yi agreed, stretched out his hand, took her into his arms, and said emotionally: "Weier, how can I, Nangong Yi, be so virtuous? How can I have such a perfect wife like you in this life?"

After hearing this, Caiwei laughed and said coquettishly: "Don't put too much gold on your own face. Where did you get your virtue? Where did you get your ability? Aren't you shameless and stalking after me?" You are with me, I married you because I had no other choice!"

After being ridiculed and belittled by her, Nangong Yi was not angry at all. He touched his handsome face in a serious manner and said seriously: "It seems that being thick-skinned is not a bad thing. If I hadn't shamelessly entangled you, You might be marrying into that family now!"

Caiwei also started laughing, rolled her eyes at him, and said coquettishly: "Stop talking so much, take a shower quickly, and after that go to the secret room to interrogate Nangong Shi. I think the reason why Li Kaifeng dared to be so bold as to surround the palace and rebel, is probably Nine has something to do with him."

Nangong Yijun's handsome face became serious, and he said, "My lady's words are reasonable, but why is Nangong Shi in your space?"

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