Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1490 Take him into space (4)

Caiwei said: "After Nangong Shi failed to force the palace, he took his men and fled to Liaodan. He has been planning how to make a comeback. I happened to bump into me in Liaodan and captured him. You can take this opportunity. Interrogate him properly, find out all the accomplices he planted in the government, and root them out!"

Her analysis was completely correct. Li Kaifeng only began to pay attention to the emperor in the court after receiving a secret letter from Nangong Shi and learning that Caiwei had been kidnapped by Saknu.

Everyone in the Jin Kingdom knew that the emperor loved the queen very much and regarded her as his life. There was no reason why he was not worried at all when he learned that the queen was kidnapped. Through his careful observation and the news that Concubine Li gave him in the palace, He finally knew that the emperor who went to court every day was a fake. The emperor and the queen were not in the capital, and even the emperor's hidden guards were not there.

This was a God-given opportunity. This kind of opportunity did not come across every day. Of course, Li Kaifeng would not miss it. He immediately summoned his cronies to plot the matter.

The cronies all believe that this opportunity is too good to miss, and that God has blessed them and allowed them to achieve great things.

So, the next day, under the leadership of Li Kaifeng, everyone openly exposed the fake emperor in the court, and at the same time suppressed the power of Duke Li's government and completely destroyed it.

The great general who protected the country played an indispensable role in exposing the fake emperor this time. He suddenly became the most important figure in the Jin Dynasty. Many ministers who did not know the truth believed his panic and thought that Duke Li wanted to rebel. They hid (or killed) the emperor and the queen, and they all hated Duke Li. If Marquis Jian'an and Duke Fuguo hadn't intervened, Duke Li and his son would have been beaten to death by the officials in the court.

At present, the whereabouts of the emperor and the queen are unknown, and they are leaderless. The civil and military officials are grateful for the general's meritorious service in exposing Duke Li, and they are willing to obey his lead. There are also some who are dissatisfied, but due to the power in his hands, they have to bow their heads and obey!

As a result, Li Kaifeng became even more emboldened. He first said that the Emperor was a fake, and then said that the Queen Mother was dissatisfied with the Emperor and Queen because of her discord with her son and daughter-in-law, and participated in the rebellion of the Liguo Palace. He also accused the 'fake Emperor' and the Queen Mother Mo They were all detained in the palace and threatened that if the emperor and queen could not be found within three days, the nine clans of the Duke Li's mansion would be killed. Even Empress Dowager Mo, Princess Chaoyue and the 'fake emperor' would not be spared.

Now, there is a vigorous campaign to find the emperor all over the capital. From the civil and military officials to the common people, they are searching everywhere for traces of the emperor and the queen. General Li Kaifeng has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the search. Even the people in the palace The dry well and the cold palace that had been blocked for many years were not spared.

Of course, this was just for everyone to see. Secretly, he had quietly ordered his confidants to secretly inquire about the whereabouts of the emperor. Once he found out or the emperor showed up, he would be killed immediately to avoid future troubles.

This is why Nangong Yi was attacked by a hail of arrows as soon as he appeared.

Li Kaifeng's calculation is that after the emperor dies, he can find any young and incompetent prince or grandson to be the emperor, and the power in the court will naturally be under his control. When the time is right in a few years, he can try to kill that prince. It was a matter of course for the puppet emperor to establish himself as emperor.

As for the restoration of the deposed prince Nangong Shi, he certainly would not take it to heart, let alone be stupid enough to help him restore it. When he takes control of the power in the court, the first thing he has to do is to kill that person. The useless prince who has always been restless!

Caiwei went out to cook, leaving the man alone to wash in the hot spring. There was still a tough battle to be fought in a while, and she didn't know when the next meal would be available. Her babies couldn't go hungry, so after explaining the situation to the man, she hurried to the fields to pick vegetables and cook. Already...

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