Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1491 Take him into space (5)

Bathing in the hot spring in space is simply more comfortable than being a god. If it weren't for important things that he had in mind, Nangong Yi really didn't want to come out. However, it was about the country, the country, and the country. He was too tired, so he hurried out after taking a bath. , after getting dressed, he went to the secret room to interrogate Nangong Shi.

Up to now, Nangong Shi has been locked up here for many days. From the time he was thrown in until now, he has been locked up here. No one has ever given them anything to eat or drink. He even has no one to take care of their urine and urine. They have to deal with it in his pants. , which made the pampered Nangong feel ashamed and angry. When he saw Nangong Yi, he vented all his resentment on Nangong Yi.

"Lao San, what do you mean? Do you want to kill each other?"


Nangong Yi sneered, covering his nose due to the smell of Nangong Shi's body. He stood far away at the door, staring at him coldly, with a smile without warmth in his eyes.

"Speaking of fratricide, I feel ashamed in front of you. I remember that ever since I was sensible, you mother and son have never stopped framed and hunted me. If I hadn't been vigilant, I would have been killed by you long ago. I've been killed hundreds of times. Even now, haven't you been thinking about killing me? You colluded with the important officials in the court to rebel, and you took advantage of it when we killed each other. If you hadn't been captured by the queen, this Huizi, you should be watching my bustle, waiting for the right opportunity to kill me!"

Nangong Yi said, quietly observing Nangong Shi's eyes, and sure enough he saw a panicked look on his face.

Nangong Yi shouted: "Nangong Shi, in order to achieve your great cause as an emperor, you have even risked the country and the country left by your ancestors. At this point, do you think I will give you a chance to live?"

With that said, he quickly pulled out the soft sword from his waist and walked over step by step.

The silver light of the soft sword shone with a cold light, and every inch of it chilled his heart.

He was a son who grew up under the care of Concubine Jin and the Supreme Emperor. He had never suffered at all since he was a child, and his ambition was not as strong as Nangong Yi's.

When he was the prince, because he was in a high place, he always maintained the image of a gentle, courteous and approachable young master. But since his arm was cut off and the prince's position was shaky, his true temperament was slowly exposed.

Cruel and lustful, ignorant and reckless, moody and weak-minded, now coupled with greed for life and fear of death and cowardice.

At this moment, when he saw Nangong Yi coming with a sword, he instinctively thought that he was here to kill him, and he screamed in fright.

"Nangong Yi, you can't kill me!"

Nangong Yi sneered and said: "Why? Give me a reason not to kill you, but don't say anything about being born from the same root and siblings can't kill each other. Saying this makes me angry and makes me want to kill you even more."

Nangong Shi originally wanted to say something about how brothers should not kill each other, but after hearing Nangong Yi's words, he held back the words that came to his lips. He stared at the sword raised high. He was about to cut himself, so he couldn't help but close his eyes and said loudly: "I know who wants to rebel against you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Zhong was surprised by Nangong Shi's spinelessness. He shouted, "Prince, how could you say such nonsense?"

Nangong Shi shouted: "Uncle, at this point, I can't care about them anymore. If I save them, I have to die. How can I save them?"

After saying that, he turned to Nangong Yi and said sincerely, "Third brother, no, third brother, Your Majesty, can you pardon me and spare my life if I tell you who is my insider in the court?"

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