Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1498 Confrontation (6)

The person who excused Li Kaifeng was one of Li Kaifeng's subordinates. He had always been loyal to Li Kaifeng, and his loyalty to him was far greater than his loyalty to the emperor. Therefore, at the cusp of the storm, he dared to speak up for Li Kaifeng.

With the first person speaking for him, there will naturally be a second and third person.

"Your Majesty, you said that the General colluded with the deposed prince. Do you have any evidence? Could it be that you have some misunderstanding about the General? During the siege of the palace, the General mistakenly believed that the Emperor was killed. He is also loyal. Please don't misunderstand the Emperor. Listening to slander has hurt the sincere heart of a loyal minister!"

"Your Majesty, the General has been in power for decades and has always been extremely loyal to the Emperor and me. Your Majesty must clearly understand this matter and restore the innocence of the General."

"Your Majesty, when the deposed prince was forced to go to the palace, the general stood by you and fought for his life with the deposed prince. In just a few months, have you forgotten this moment? Or are you planning to kill all the birds and hide the good ones? The cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackey is cooking..."

Li Kaifeng has been in the government for many years. He has a high position and a lot of party members. There are countless people speaking for him now. These ministers were respectful at first, but as they talked, they became angry and turned the emperor and Li Kaifeng Comparing it to a cunning rabbit and a lackey, the tone is very disrespectful!

Seeing this, Caiwei quietly gave instructions to the parrot and let it out.

Nangong Yi looked at the excited ministers with a gloomy face. After they calmed down, he said in a cold voice: "Nangong Shi has colluded with Li Kaifeng. Nangong Shi personally admitted it. Not only him, but also all of you gangsters." Everyone has a role to play in what he says!"

One sentence immediately made these already indignant ministers even more excited. They all raised their voices and accused Nangong Yi of being ignorant and unable to distinguish right from wrong. They also compared Nangong Yi to the king of the previous dynasty who had subjugated the country. They did not compare Nangong Yi to Nangong Yi at all. Take it seriously.

"Your Majesty, I dare not accept the charge of treason and collaborating with the enemy. Since the Emperor says that I am a spy, please provide evidence. Otherwise, I would rather kneel down and die here!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, if Your Majesty cannot produce strong evidence to prove that I colluded with you to depose the crown prince, I will be killed in this imperial study today to prove my innocence!"

"Your Majesty, please provide evidence..."

"Your Majesty, please provide evidence..."

As everyone spoke, they all knelt down, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.

Seeing that they did not take Nangong Yi seriously, Caiwei was angry and felt sorry for the man, so she sneered and said, "You treacherous officials and traitors think that because Li Kaifeng controls the 300,000 imperial guards inside and outside the capital, you can have nothing to fear. No." Do you take the Holy One seriously?"

A loyal subordinate of Li Kaifeng shouted: "Empress, please go back to the harem and take refuge. The harem has never been involved in politics in the Jin Dynasty. When the emperor was discussing things with his ministers, not only did you not know how to avoid it, you also privately intervened. Is this the only way you want to be a mother to the world?"

Caiwei said angrily: "The emperor and I are husband and wife. You are so aggressive and don't take the emperor seriously. As his wife, I naturally can't stand it and want to complain for him. Since you said that you He is unjustly accused. Well, I will show you the evidence and make you convinced."

Just as he was talking, a green parrot flew in from outside with a few letters in his mouth.

After the parrot flew back, he handed the letter into Caiwei's hand and landed on Caiwei's shoulder. Caiwei took the letter and gave another instruction with her mind, and the parrot flapped its wings and flew out again.

"What's this?"

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