Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1499 Confrontation (7)

Nangong Yi took the letter from Caiwei and asked.

Caiwei smiled and said, "You'll know after you've seen it!"

Nangong Yi opened the letter and found that it was actually a letter written by Nangong Shi to Li Kaifeng. In one of them, he told Li Kaifeng that Caiwei had been kidnapped by Saknu. No wonder Li Kaifeng could detect that the substitute in the court was fake.

After reading these letters, Nangong Yi smiled, quietly hid the last one, took the other letters and said, "Don't you want evidence of collusion between Li Kaifeng and Nangong Shi? I happen to have a few letters from Nangong Shi here. Please keep your eyes open and read the letter written to your general. If you still don’t believe it, dig out what Nangong Shi wrote in the past and check the handwriting."

After finishing speaking, he ordered Yang Yong to take down the letter and distribute it to all the ministers for viewing.

The letter was passed on, and the collusion between Nangong Shi and Li Kaifeng was also exposed. The courtiers who saw the letter were very angry. It turned out that Li Kaifeng really had something to do with Nangong Shi. It was in vain that they had trusted him so much a few days ago. Let him put Duke Li Guo's family in jail and search the palace!

Li Kaifeng's party members were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect that such conclusive evidence would be obtained by the emperor and the queen. Now that things have happened, they can no longer tolerate their denial.

At this time, a more excited party member suddenly shouted: "Your Majesty, human handwriting is easy to imitate. Could it be that someone else imitated the general's handwriting to frame the general?"

When Li Kaifeng heard this, he suddenly seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw. He raised his head with difficulty and said, "That's right, I have never received... Nangong Shi's letters. These letters are all... ...Others imitated...the deposed prince's handwriting to frame...the minister."

"I can't help but shed tears when I see the coffin!"

Caiwei stood up with a sneer, and walked towards the back room in the east room amid the shocked eyes of the ministers.

After a moment, the door curtain of the east room was opened, and Nangong Shi, who was in a state of embarrassment, stumbled out. When he saw that he had returned to Dajin, and also returned to the palace, his eyes widened in surprise. Once again, when he looked back at Caiwei, his shocked eyes turned into awe.

He took a few trembling steps forward, knelt in front of Nangong Yi, kowtowed and said, "The guilty minister Nangong Shi kowtows to the emperor, long live the emperor!"

Nangong Yi glanced at Caiwei, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and there was a hint of emotion in his eyes, but then he said sternly: "Nangong Shi, I ask you, do you have any personal dealings with Li Kaifeng?"

Nangong Shi said simply: "Back to the emperor, yes!"

"The guilty minister wrote several letters to him when he was in Liaodan, and he also replied to the guilty minister, but those letters were all left in Liao and I did not take them with him."

Nangong Yi asked again: "Who else in this court has secretly contacted you? Please correct them now and I will protect you from death!"

"Yes! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Nangong Shi kowtowed, raised his eyes, and looked at the stunned courtiers. Wherever he looked, some were surprised, some were angry, some were indifferent, and some were evasive.

Caiwei looked at everyone's expressions and understood.

"Your Majesty, the ministers who have contact with the guilty minister are Li Kaifeng, Wang Zhuo, Jia Yanhui, Zhao Chengzhi, Shen Youji, Zhou Cangwu, Liancheng, Jiang Yuansheng, Kou Xun and others. The guilty minister has letters exchanged with them, but they all remain In Liao and Dan, the guilty officials also sent them letters of thanks, but I don't know if they kept them."

As soon as Nangong Shi finished speaking, several people whose names were called by him called out to Chongtian Qulai: "Your Majesty, I am wronged. This rebellious minister and traitor obviously bit me randomly. I have never had any dealings with him." ...."

Caiwei smiled and said: "You don't have to complain. Yes or no, the truth will be revealed when we get Liao Dan's letter. However, before we find out the truth, please stay in your mansion and don't move around without authorization. , don’t contact outsiders, lest you be treated as someone who is absconding in fear of crime!"

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