Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1500 The situation of picking lotus (1)

Caiwei had taken great pains to arrange this. If they were taken down now as traitors and traitors and punished severely, after all, the evidence was not conclusive enough, and some people would secretly be dissatisfied; besides, Li Kaifeng was running the business in the court. It has been established for decades and has a deep foundation. If they are cornered and rebel, it will be difficult to handle.

Therefore, it is better to detain them in his own mansion and wait for Yingge to find all the evidence. The evidence will be shown to all the ministers in the court, and everyone will be convinced, and then defeat the group of rebellious ministers and traitors one by one.

In this way, there is no need to go to war, and the officials can be convinced.

Nangong Yi said: "Li Kaifeng pretended not to recognize the Emperor, shot me and the Queen, and also intended to torture the Queen Mother. Nangong Shi also proved that he was treasonous and collaborated with the enemy. With all these things, he is really not suitable to occupy the position of a general now. His general The post of general will be temporarily replaced by Marquis Jian'an and Duke Li Guo. We will make a decision after the matter is fully investigated. You can go back to your homes now. You are not allowed to go out or contact anyone without permission until the truth is found out. Otherwise, , be punished for the crime of forming a party for personal gain, treason and collaborating with the enemy!"

After the imperial edict, Li Kaifeng's followers all turned their eyes to Li Kaifeng, wanting to obey his orders. As long as Li Kaifeng said the word "anti" at this moment, everyone would immediately stand up and swarm to kill him. The emperor and the queen.

However, Li Kaifeng witnessed with his own eyes how powerful Ye and the Queen were. They could appear out of thin air on the roof of the imperial study, summon out of thin air a giant white-haired tiger that was unstoppable to an army, and even have the elusive monkey in their hands. With a cup of tea, The parrot that could dig out so many important letters in his home, these strange mysterious powers, frightened him from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, when everyone looked at him, he knelt on the ground and bowed respectfully. Nangong Yi kowtowed: "Yes, I obey your order!"

Seeing him like this, the party members felt dissatisfied and unwilling, but they had nothing to do, so they all kowtowed to Nangong Yi and went down dejectedly.

When Li Kaifeng went down, his expression was very painful. Every step he took, his broken balls hurt like a knife. Under the surprised eyes of the ministers, he walked out in humiliation, with cold sweat breaking out on his head. The hatred for Nangong Yi and Cai Wei in my heart is deeper and heavier!

When he walked outside, he happened to meet Duke Li Guo's family who had come with the order.

Mr. Li Guo's family has suffered a lot in the prison these days. Li Kaifeng avenged his personal revenge and ordered his slaves to use all the various torture instruments in the prison on Mr. Li Guo. The punishment was cruel. Mo Zijing Mo Ziqi and other young disciples were fine. After all, they were young and strong, with strong bones. However, Duke Li was too old to endure such torture. Three days of torture almost killed him. , now that the driver is here, he must be supported by his son and grandson, otherwise he will not be able to walk at all.

Seeing Li Kaifeng coming towards him, Duke Li pushed his son's and grandson's hands away, straightened his body, and said, "Why does the general look so bad? Is it because he didn't cut off my head and he was angry?"

Li Kaifeng glanced at Duke Li Guo's grandson with a sinister look, sneered, held the attendant's hand, and left without saying a word.

Behind him, Duke Li laughed loudly and said: "General, walk slowly. Even if you don't chop off my head, you don't have to walk like a girl on your back. You won't make people think you have a pain in the balls..."

Li Kaifeng's body stiffened for a moment, but he didn't look back. He reluctantly straightened his waist and staggered away.

Mo Yuanshan said: "Father, let's go in. The Holy Emperor is still waiting for us. Why do you have to gossip with a rebellious minister who has only a short time to live?"

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