Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1501 The situation of picking lotus (2)

Li Guogong snorted. Although he felt that it was rude to quarrel with others like a child like him, but when he thought of the suffering his children and grandchildren had suffered these days, he felt that he had scolded him lightly. If he hadn't been exhausted, he would have lost his temper. He would rush up to him, grab him and beat him hard!

After entering the Imperial Study Room, the audience of the ancestors and grandsons was completed. The ministers came forward one after another to congratulate them on their escape from prison. The ministers who had not known what they were doing before and shouted that they wanted to destroy the entire family of Duke Li Guo came in fear. Admit your mistake to Li Guo.

Duke Li was very generous. Because those people were deceived by Li Kaifeng and misled by their loyalty and patriotism, he forgave them generously.

After reviewing the case, Nangong Yi felt very guilty when he saw the scars on the faces of his grandfather and uncles. He hurriedly ordered Yang Yong to take them to Bishui Pavilion, and Dr. Xuan Yao went to treat them.

When Caiwei saw this, she felt guilty. After all, the incident was caused by her, so she secretly asked the old turtle for the best trauma medicine and ordered it to be sent to Bishui Pavilion so that they could recover quickly. .

After Li Guogong and his grandsons retired, Nangong Yi discussed other political matters with the courtiers. Caiwei was involved in everything that was inconvenient, so she quietly left the imperial study and took Chunliu back to the Mu Mansion. .

It had been three months since she last returned home. When Du Shi saw her daughter, she was as excited as a gold ingot falling from the sky. She was so excited that she wiped tears and blew her nose, crying like a mess.

"You kid, where have you been for so long? Do you know how worried your mother is about you? I don't know how to bring you a message back. It's really not a worry..."

Caiwei smiled and said, "Isn't my daughter back? Look at you, it's so unlucky to just cry and wipe away your tears!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Du hurriedly wiped away her tears to avoid causing bad luck. But she couldn't help complaining: "Isn't Mom excited? You can't stop crying after a few times? You haven't heard from you for such a long time. Mom thought something had happened to you. Not only Mom, but also your father. I haven't been able to sleep or eat well for a few days, and I have a toothache; and Fei'er and your two younger brothers have been crying secretly for several times, and their eye bubbles have been swollen for the past two days!"

Hearing this, Caiwei couldn't help but think of the dream she had returned to her previous life a few days ago. There, when they heard that something had happened to her, the first thing her parents thought about was not to feel sad for her, but to deliberately rob her of her life. Their wealth is simply incomparable to that of their parents here.

Thinking about it, she felt more and more that the family ties here were valuable, and she became even more reluctant to let her parents worry about her. She teased Little Caidi who was lying on the kang, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "I have nothing to worry about. I just want to accompany you." The emperor sneaked out to travel around the mountains, play in the water, relax and unwind, and then naturally come back after swimming."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Du immediately said seriously: "Weier, although it is a virtue for a woman to be gentle and courteous, when her husband does something wrong, you, as the wife, should try your best to dissuade her. For example, this time, the emperor left the important events in Jiang Dynasty, Going out to enjoy the mountains and rivers with you is not the behavior of a wise king. As the mother of a country, you should be discouraged from accepting advice. How can you do the opposite? The artifact was almost stolen by the general who protects the country. , if the ministers hear about your behavior, they will definitely say that you are a demon queen who brings harm to the country and is charming and charming. The censors will also impeach you and oppose you, thinking that you are not worthy of being in the lower position..."

Caiwei was originally afraid that her mother would be worried if she told the truth, so she had to tell a little lie. However, she was lectured by her mother for a long time, which made her feel numb, so she had to say with a depressed face: "Mom, my daughter knows this and she will never do this again!"

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