Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1512 Mayfair’s dowry (1)

In the next two days, Caiwei was extremely busy. She not only had to deal with the backlog of things in the palace, but also took care of her shops outside the palace. She hadn't been back for several months, and many of her shops were out of stock. For example, her ginseng shop now sells not even a single ginseng seed, only the shelves are left, and she has to dig a batch of ginseng in the space to replenish it; there is also the Zhenbao Pavilion, which now sells jade. , jade, and beads, mainly. In the few months since Caiwei was away, the jade, jade, and beads stored in Zhenbaozhai were basically sold out, and she had to go to Lingxi to fish out another batch to make up for it.

The green vegetables in the hot pot restaurant have long been used up. A month and a half ago, I had to buy them at a high price from the vegetable vendor. Unfortunately, the high-priced vegetables were not only expensive, but also far less delicious than what Caiwei provided. Today, she transported several carts of green vegetables in space and sent them to the Blessed Hotpot City and the Blessed Restaurant respectively, so as to save herself from spending a lot of money.

Mi Fang Zhai's rouge is also sold out, because the most basic raw material for making rouge, flowers, are provided by the Queen. Caiwei is not here, and without the basic raw materials for making rouge, rouge cannot be made. Wei asked Chang Mei to pick several carts of flowers, sort them into boxes, and ordered Yang Yong to deliver them to Mi Fang Zhai...

After two or three days of busy work, not only her, but also Changmei was exhausted. She went down to Lingxi to fish for jades and jade, to collect beads, to pick vegetables and ginseng, and to collect flowers and pack them into boxes. , I was so busy that I had no time to rest.

At this time, it remembered its old friend the parrot. Although the bird always quarreled with it and snatched its things, sometimes it was still very generous. For example, when it was working, the parrot often came to help it. If it were here now, at least it could help it collect beads and pack flowers into boxes, saving it a lot of labor.

After being busy for two or three days, when it had almost finished all the things assigned by its master, its old friend Yinggeer finally came back from Liaodan, and also brought back letters from many ministers in the DPRK and Nangong Shi.

Now that the evidence was conclusive and irrefutable, Li Kaifeng and others were dumbfounded and could not tolerate their sophistry!

After Nangong Yi received the letter, he immediately summoned the ministers in the court and sent them the letters written by the guilty ministers to Nangong Shi. When the ministers in the court saw the evidence, they were very angry and demanded severe punishment from the emperor. These traitors and collaborators.

Therefore, the emperor followed the advice of the ministers and immediately ordered the arrest of these guilty officials, General Li Kaifeng and his close associates, as well as the network of relationships that Concubine Jin had established in the court over the years, as well as the power that Nangong Shi had established himself. At Nangong Yi's order, everything suddenly collapsed.

On the day he returned to the palace, the reason why Nangong Yi did not immediately arrest the guilty ministers was to obtain conclusive evidence and convince the ministers, and to deal with the rebellious ones in one fell swoop. Of course, it was also to separate them and monitor them strictly. , In this way, they cannot contact each other, and it is difficult for them to unite to oppose Nangong Yi, while Nangong Yi easily defeats them one by one.

Li Kaifeng has been powerful and powerful for many years. Once he was imprisoned, he was naturally unwilling to accept it. However, as Caiwei said, in the face of absolute force, his fear and resentment were just the emotions of a child. His accomplices, like him, were all imprisoned in the sky prison, waiting for Marble's trial.

The interrogation took an extremely long time. After more than a month, after various investigations and evidence collection, it was found that Li Kaifeng and others colluded to depose the prince and intended to commit rebellion. The crime of rebellion should have been punished by death, but Nangong Yi thought and Li Kaifeng was behind him. When he ascended the throne, he supported meritorious service and arbitrarily rebelled because he wanted to avenge his daughter Li Ruizhu. Therefore, he could not bear to harm his life, so he ordered his military power to be taken back, his family property confiscated, and he was imprisoned in a sky prison to spend his old age. And his family members were expelled from the General's Mansion and demoted to common people to make a living on their own.

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