Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1513 Mayfair’s dowry (2)

His followers were not so lucky. After their crimes were proven, they were all sentenced to castration, demoted to slave status, and sent to Lingbei, where they were not allowed to leave for life.

For men, castration is a punishment that is more painful than death. The physical pain is second, the mental torture and personality humiliation make many people collapse. On the day of execution, some people did not wait for the knife to come down. , people go crazy.

During the investigation, it was found that the Empress Dowager's natal family was also involved with Nangong Shi. After Nangong Yi saw the letters written by the British Duke to Nangong Shi, he became furious and immediately issued an order to deprive the British Duke of his title and kill the whole family. He was imprisoned in the heavenly prison, sentenced to palace punishment, and then sent to Lingbei as a slave.

The Empress Dowager was the most protective of shortcomings. When she heard that Nangong Yi wanted to castrate all the men in her Ji family, she immediately took off her hairpin and ran to Nangong Yi to plead with her. Nangong Yi already hated her. The reason why the British princess dared After contacting Nangong Shi, there is a high probability that she has something to do with it, but she is lucky enough to have no clues.

Therefore, Nangong Yi rejected her mercilessly and sent her back to his palace. Seeing that her pleading was in vain, Empress Dowager Ji ran to Qixia Palace in desperation, yelling like a shrew, forcing the Supreme Emperor to issue an edict to pardon her natal family.

The Supreme Emperor was troubled by his mother and was unable to clean up his family. In desperation, he had to ask someone to bring a message to Nangong Yi, asking him to pardon the Ji family's crimes.

However, the Supreme Emperor already regarded himself as a person outside the mortal world and would not interfere too much in the affairs of the court. He only said that he would absolve the Ji family of their crimes, and did not say much else.

Nangong Yi had to obey his father's will and spared the men of the Ji family from castration, but had all their property confiscated and the whole family expelled from Beijing. As for how they lived and what they relied on, then It's their business.

During this period, Cai Lian went to Mu's Mansion to plead for mercy more than once, hoping to see Caiwei through Mu's Mansion so that she could plead with Caiwei.

However, in the past month, Caiwei has been busy with the draft and has no time to go back to her parents' home. Naturally, she has not seen Cai Lian, and Cai Lian herself does not have a title, and has no right to hand over a sign to the palace. Picking Wei.

So, with tears in her eyes, she begged Mrs. Mu, Mrs. Du, to bring a sign to the palace and say a good word to her family in front of Caiwei, so that the emperor could spare them their punishment, let her father-in-law return to be a British father-in-law, and her man return to the palace. In the British prince...

Although Mrs. Du is a kind-hearted person, she is not the kind of person who can't figure it out. Cai Lian's husband's family committed a serious crime of treason. She didn't avoid her. She was kind enough. How could she let her own The daughter consumes the emperor's favor to intercede for a treasonous sinner?

Besides, this family is not worth their pleas at all.

So, she flatly rejected Cai Lian's request, but promised Cai Lian that if she wanted to reconcile with Ji Wanfu, she would personally intercede with Cai Wei and let Cai Wei help.

Unexpectedly, Cai Lian disagreed. She cried and said, "Aunt, I didn't listen to the advice and insisted on marrying into an official family. Cai Wei already despised me. Now that their family is in trouble, I ran to beg for help." Heli, Caiwei will definitely look down on me even more. Besides, as the ancients said, if you marry a chicken, you will follow the chicken. If you marry a dog, you will follow the dog. Since I married him, I will be his in life and his ghost in death. I have no other thoughts. Already."

Mrs. Du saw that she was so stubborn and refused to listen to the advice, so she had to let her go.

Cai Lian knelt down and begged in Mu's house to no avail, so she had no choice but to go back crying.

The British government was confiscated by the court on the day it was convicted of British crimes. All the family property and domestic slaves were confiscated. Even the aunts and concubines in Ji Wanfu's yard were confiscated. After the death of Yaxing, the Ji family was torn apart. In the end, only Mr. Ji and his wife and Ji Wanfu and his wife were left. The four of them had no place to stay, so they had to temporarily live in the home of Cai Lian's mother-in-law.

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