Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1523 Mayfair’s Wedding (1)

After it was confirmed that Caiwei was pregnant with triplets, Nangong Yi couldn't calm down anymore. He walked back and forth under the banyan tree, excited. One moment he wanted to tell the world and congratulate all the people; the next moment he wanted to go to Daguo Temple to worship, Thanks to the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas for blessing him with so many children.

Caiwei was also very happy to see the man's excitement. She originally wanted to give him a surprise and let him know after the birth, but she accidentally let it slip and he found out in advance, so she had to be a few days in advance. Yue looked at his ecstatic look!

However, Caiwei didn't agree to the man's proposal. Telling the world and going to Daguo Temple to worship were too high-profile. After living here for more than a year, she also learned to be a bit superstitious from the people here, fearing that the child would be too high-profile. I am too young to be able to withstand such a great blessing.

However, she agreed that he should tell the Queen Mother and Duke Li about the matter. However, others had to keep it secret for the time being. When Feier got married next month, her mother would definitely be reluctant to let it go. The woman is sad!

Empress Dowager Mo found out that Caiwei was pregnant, and she was carrying triplets, and she was so happy that she didn't know what to do. Before, although she didn't dare to target Caiwei, she was just afraid of her, and she was still a little bit scared in her heart. None of her children liked her, but now, after hearing that she was pregnant with her own grandson, and that three of them had died at once, all the dissatisfaction with Caiwei was completely resolved with the three lumps of flesh in her belly. The thought of There were three white and tender grandchildren to hug. The three chubby little things called her "grandmother" with milky sounds. Her heart turned into a puddle of water, and her face became colder than ten years ago. Nian's face was also clear from the clouds, and he couldn't help laughing. He even forgot about his daughter who was lying on the bed with all her thoughts in mind!

When Mrs. Li Guogong learned about this, she was also very happy. Originally, she was worried that her precious grandson would only marry Caiwei, which would lead to few heirs, but she did not expect that Caiwei would give birth to three in her lifetime. I was extremely satisfied, and while I was excited, I also thought about my grandson-in-law who was about to marry.

Fei'er is young, only twelve years old. She can't have children now, but when she reaches hair age in two or three years, she will be like her sister, hugging her great-grandchildren who give birth to twins or triplets. Thinking of that scene, the old lady smiled so hard that all the wrinkles on her face were piled together...

Now, Caiwei has become the most precious protected animal in the palace. Her diet, daily life, and every move are closely watched by Empress Dowager Mo, her son, and old lady Liu. Empress Dowager Mo specially sent four experienced medical girls to come. Caiwei takes personal care of her. Caiwei's daily diet is also discussed and decided by the imperial doctors, in order to provide adequate nutrition for the children in her residence, but not to make them too fat, so as not to damage Caiwei's young body. Can't stand them.

Not only that, Empress Dowager Mo would often make some very nourishing soup and give it to Caiwei to drink. Her attitude towards Caiwei was not as polite and distant as before, but a true elder caring for the younger generation.

Such a life is not free, but Caiwei can accept it, because she has felt the Queen Mother's heartfelt concern. She can take advantage of the opportunity of pregnancy to have a good relationship with her mother-in-law, so that her man can no longer worry about the harem. Worrying about her own affairs and focusing on government affairs is what she dreams of.

The old lady also often visited Caiwei in the palace, and often taught Caiwei some common sense that pregnant women should know. When chatting with the old lady, they would inevitably talk about Fei'er and Mo Ziqi's upcoming wedding.

Caiwei didn't say much about the wedding arrangements, but there was one thing that, even though it was hard to say, she couldn't help but tell the old lady.

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