Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1524 Mayfair’s Wedding (2)

What she was talking about was the relationship between Fei'er and Mo Ziqi after their wedding.

Feier is only twelve years old, still a child. Although her nutrition has improved over the past year, and Caiwei provides the family with space-produced food all year round, she is growing well and looks like a fourteener. A five-year-old girl, but a child is a child. Her body has not yet developed, and her menstrual period has not yet come. If Mo Ziqi fails to hold back for a moment and does what he did to her, it will definitely affect Feier's body. There is damage.

Therefore, one day when Empress Dowager Mo was away, she sent her servants out and hesitantly expressed her intention to the old lady. The general idea was that she hoped that the old lady could talk to Mo Ziqi and wait until Feier arrived at the 14th Five-Year Plan. When you are old, you are performing the ritual of London.

The old lady is kind-hearted. Even if Caiwei doesn't tell her, she will explain it to her grandson.

The daughter's body is as delicate as a delicate flower. If the flowers are picked before they bloom, it may cause the flowers to wither. Therefore, when Caiwei mentioned this matter, the old lady immediately agreed. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Queen. After Fei gets married, I will raise her as a granddaughter for a few years. When she grows up, I will let them consummate the marriage."

After receiving the old lady's assurance, Caiwei felt relieved. She carefully selected a few more decent pieces of jewelry for Fei'er and sent two etiquette nuns to her parents' house to teach Fei'er etiquette and rules.

Because Fei'er got married, her status was different from before. She was not only the grandson-in-law of the Liguo Duke's Palace, but also the wife of the second-grade general who protected the country. She was about to be canonized by the imperial court as the royal wife. Therefore, in order not to use In the future, she would be at a loss when interacting with the royal wives of various prefectures and was looked down upon. Therefore, Caiwei took great pains to send a nun to teach her the rules.

Theoretically, Caiwei should send two more nuns who specialize in taking care of girls' bodies, so that Fei Fei'er can be nursed back to a plump and lovable state. However, Caiwei doesn't want Fei'er to go with Mo Ziqi so early. It is a courtesy from Dun Lun, so these two nuns are omitted, so as not to make Feier look as beautiful as a peach and a plum, as beautiful as a flower and a jade, and make it difficult for Mo Ziqi to control...

Time flies by so fast, and in a blink of an eye, it’s Shangsi Festival, which is also the day of Feier’s wedding.

Before dawn, Fei'er had already gotten up. Under Liuzhu's service, she rinsed her mouth with tooth powder mixed with green salt, licorice and bayberry, and washed her face. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Liuzhu turned around and saw that The person who was waiting for the eldest girl to dress up came and said crisply: "Come in, the second lady is getting up."

Liuli brought Yuanchun Tanchun and others in with their clothes, crowns, and accessories. There was the mother-in-law sent by the Yunmo family, and several nuns Caiwei sent to help this morning. After coming in, they put the clothes in their hands. The clothes are placed on the pear wood table in the middle of the boudoir.

The leader was a palace nun who was about forty years old. She had a clean face and noble manners. She looked like a slave with a high status. When he glanced at Fei'er, he saw that she had just stood up and was only wearing a magnolia. Wearing a cotton-colored silk robe, her cheeks are slightly powdered, and she is as beautiful as a hibiscus. She is very similar to the Queen's Empress in appearance, but she is a little more immature than the Queen's Empress.

Moreover, this second lady is a shy girl. She is not as calm and calm as the queen. The second lady looks shy, her face is slightly pink, and her black hair is like a waterfall. It has not been tied up yet, and it is straight down to her hips. I smelled a hint of natural body fragrance, and even though I didn’t apply any makeup or make up, I looked like the embryo of a peerless beauty.

Several nuns came forward to express their blessings and said, "I have come to see the second young lady and congratulate the second young lady on her wedding. I wish the second young lady and the general a happy marriage for a hundred years and a happy marriage!"

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