Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1526 Mayfair’s Wedding (4)

Aunt Kong came out and was an old lady in the palace. She was responsible for adjusting the makeup of the beauties in the harem. She had seen all kinds of beauties. Her eyes were very sinister. At this moment, I heard that Mrs. Du compared her daughters to Pu Liu. Looking at her posture, she unconsciously clicked her tongue and said: "Madam, what you said is too modest. The second young lady is really stunning in appearance. She is somewhat similar to our empress. Looking at the great Jin Dynasty, she can be compared with our empress." , there is only the second lady.  "

Mrs. Du looked at her pretty daughter and felt sour. She said with a slight nasal voice: "Thank you for the compliment, mama. It's getting late. Let's put makeup on the second lady. I'll go to the front to take a look. Don't worry." Some noble person came and was neglected."

After that, he turned around and left. When he walked out the door, tears were streaming down his face.

A daughter's marriage is supposed to be a happy event, but any mother will have Du's feeling of being reluctant to let her daughter get married.

In the room, Yuanchun Tanchun and the others helped Fei'er to sit down in front of the mahogany mirror. They finished applying makeup and the sky was already bright.Seeing that she was dressed properly, the woman from Duke Liguo's mansion took a few maids out to wait for someone to tell her the good news. Feier sat in front of the mirror and looked at Pingting's figure reflected in the gold and brass mirror.

The person in the mirror is obviously me, but there is something new about it, like a brand new stranger.

The woman is dressed in a fiery red orthodox wedding dress, with the imprint of a noble lady on her whole body. Her delicate face is covered by a beaded curtain on her head, her lips are as red as roses, and her eyebrows are as long as peaks. The bride's wedding dress is very slim, with a slender waist, slender and white limbs, and the slightly exposed neck collar is as white and flawless as suet milk, so tender that you can almost pinch the water.

The morning glow shines through the carved window lattice. It is a warm and bright day, and it is also the first day of Mayfair's new life.

In the main hall of the Mu family.

Du Shi had smoothed her face again, applied makeup, and covered up the redness and swelling around her eyes.

At this moment, she was sitting side by side with Mu Zhongqing in the living room, waiting to receive the gift from her daughter and son-in-law. Mrs. Du wears a hairpin and a sunflower-patterned Zhai robe. She is dressed up in a noble manner, but the smile on her face is extremely inconsistent with her attire. The smile is fake, as if it is carved on her face. Her husband Mu Zhong Qing was not much better than her. The forced smile on his elegant and fair face looked as if he was crying at first glance, which was extremely ugly.

In fact, both of them want to cry now, and they have regretted it more than once. They should not have agreed to Duke Li's government to marry Fei'er so early. Although Fei'er was willing to marry early at the time, the daughter could only follow her father at home. They don't talk about it, and the Duke of Liguo has no reason to force the marriage.

Before Die'er was born, Fei'er had been their daughter for eleven years. She had always been regarded as the most loved one by the couple. She could have stayed at home for a few more years and enjoyed the life of a rich young lady, but they were temporarily weak. It was a mistake. At such a young age, she actually wanted to get married.

Thinking about it, Caiwei was already fourteen years old when she got married, but Fei'er is only twelve years old now. She is still completely a child, and her body has not yet developed. How can she get married like this?

My uncle is not young anymore. After getting married, he will inevitably treat her with courtesy. Seeing how tall and strong my uncle is, how can Fei'er bear it? The more they thought about it, the more distressed and regretful the couple felt. However, they could not control what happened on the couple's bed, so they could only feel aggrieved and anxious.

However, although they regretted their daughter's premature marriage, they were still very satisfied with Mo Ziqi, their son-in-law. Mo Ziqi was both civil and military, young and promising, and in his twenties, he became the second-rank prince of the dynasty. General, although this general was appointed by the emperor because he wanted to take military and political power into the hands of his own people, Mo Ziqi was not the only one of the emperor's own people who could hand over the command of hundreds of thousands of troops to him, except because He is one of his own, and it is also because he values ​​his talent and appreciates his character; it is also to make up for the torture he suffered when Li Kaifeng was thrown into prison a few days ago.

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