Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1527 Mayfair’s Wedding (5)

In any case, Mo Ziqi is now the second-rank Great Yuan in the court, several ranks higher than his father-in-law and father. He has unlimited glory and a bright future. What's more valuable is that Mo Zili has great respect for Fei. He has always had a special liking for me. Over the years, I have always been pure and self-loving, without any concubines or intercourse. Therefore, the couple valued him so much and felt that this opportunity was not to be missed. They wanted to take Fei'er regardless of her young age. Married him.

Otherwise, if their son-in-law has flaws in his character, they will not worry about anything. Even if someone puts a knife to their neck, they will never marry their daughter to a son-in-law they are not satisfied with.

While the two were doing this, they suddenly heard a burst of joy coming from outside. The women waiting in the yard excitedly shouted into the house: "Master, Madam, my uncle is here!"

After hearing this, Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du looked at each other complicatedly, and both straightened their backs and waited for their uncle to pay their respects with a straight face.

At the entrance of Mu's Mansion, the door is wide open, and the bluestone floor under the stairs has been cleaned in advance, making it as bright as a mirror.

The guests in the mansion were standing in front of the screen wall inside the threshold, waiting for the general to arrive at the mansion. After the sound of ritual music came, the clatter of horse hooves and the sound of chariot shafts came from far away. Sitting on a tall, fat, maroon horse is the handsome Mo Ziqi.

Today, Mo Ziqi is wearing a bright red auspicious suit, with black hair standing high, and a jade crown carved from blood jade. The auspicious suit is made of Sichuan brocade, and his slim waist is decorated with a gold hooked jade belt. Black leather boots outline the slim legs. He was majestic and heroic, but his demeanor was distant, but his indifferent demeanor made the female family members present who only heard his name and had never seen him blush. They were so shy that they were even embarrassed to look at him. look.

Surrounded by everyone, Mo Ziqi strode into the flower hall of the Mu Mansion. Before he could go in, he saw Fei'er with her head covered and being helped out by a group of maids and maids. She was wearing a nine-hui butterfly on her head. The crown, the beaded curtain fell down, and the red hijab covered the face. The whole body was as gorgeous as the sunset. Although the face could not be seen, the lotus root-like neck was exposed, which was more beautiful than the morning glow-like robe. Mo Zi Qi's heart moved, his thin lips curved, he walked over in a few steps and held her hand in his palm.

The people gathered around laughed loudly, and some young gentlemen joked about it. Liu Xi also joined in and said with a smile: "Hey, General, now you are showing off your affection to your wife. You are cruel." Damn the rhythm of these single guys!"

Incited by Liu Xi, the young men who were on good terms with the Mo family started making noises, shouting for Mo Ziqi to carry the bride into the flower hall.

Under the hijab, Feier saw the man really walking towards her. She was so frightened that she trembled and hurriedly pulled back her little hand. But she was small and weak, so she was no match for him. Her little hand was tightly grasped by her, and she couldn't resist at all.

"Let go, are you crazy? Be careful of people looking at you and laughing at you!"

Caifei scolded, her little face under the hijab turned red with embarrassment, which perfectly matched her bright red wedding dress.

Although Mo Ziqi couldn't see her face, he saw that her exposed neck was red, so he smiled and whispered: "What are you afraid of? We are husband and wife. It is normal to hold hands and carry you." Who dares to talk nonsense about something? Besides, when we were so close in the palace before, we didn't even see you, so why did we only hold hands today and then push back and forth like this? "

What he was referring to was when he was imprisoned by Li Kaifeng two months ago, was injured after being tortured, and was recuperating in the palace.

At that time, he was seriously injured and lying on the bed dying. It was she who washed his wounds, applied medicine, and changed the dressings herself while shedding tears. He couldn't put on clothes and was almost naked facing her every day, but she didn't even have a trace of shyness. She just took care of him with nothing else on her mind every day.

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