Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1528 Mayfair’s Wedding (6)

A month later, he recovered and was in good health. He also gained weight under her careful care. However, she lost a lot of weight because of not eating well and sleeping well. It seemed like he could blow her away.

He saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. In the month after she returned home, he always sent her big tonic soup every day in the name of his grandmother.

Dabu Decoction was made from precious medicinal materials and was very effective. After drinking it for a month, she became as plump and plump as before. But he was particularly dissatisfied and always wanted to feed her more fat to make her look more beautiful. Strong and strong.

It's a pity that she was in Mu's house and refused to come out to see him. He was also beyond his reach. Therefore, he waited patiently for her to pass through the door so that he could carefully feed her and fatten her up according to his own wishes. Keep it at home!

Fei'er became anxious and whispered: "My parents are the most observant. If you dare to carry me in, be careful they think you are immoral, frivolous and a playboy."

Mo Ziqi chuckled and said, "When my father-in-law and mother-in-law see how loving we are, they will only be happy for us and won't think about anything else."

Although he said this, he didn't really carry her on his back. Instead, he held her hand tightly and walked towards the flower hall.

In the flower hall, Mu Zhongqing and his wife looked at the pair of beautiful women walking over, feeling sad and happy at the same time. The sad thing was that they really couldn't bear their precious daughter to marry off so early and become someone else's daughter-in-law. The happy thing was that How can my uncle love their daughter so much?

My uncle is famous for his cold temper. He actually ignored the worldly view and his status as a general and walked hand in hand with their daughter in public. It can be seen that he really takes their daughter into his heart, otherwise he would not do this. Such behavior.

When they arrived at the house, Mo Ziqi let go of Fei'er's hand and bowed solemnly to Mu Zhongqing and his wife, saying: "Father-in-law and mother-in-law are here, please accept my brother-in-law's bow." After that, he bowed sincerely. .

Mu Zhongqing said: "Get up. Since you call me father-in-law, I will be bold enough to treat you as my own son. Ziqi, our Feier will be in your hands from today on. I hope you can Treat her well and don't let her suffer..."

As he spoke, his eyes became sour and he couldn't continue talking...

After hearing this, Mo Ziqi bowed solemnly again and said, "Don't worry, father-in-law and mother-in-law. As long as Ziqi is alive, Fei'er will never be wronged in the slightest. Even if one day he dies in battle, that's it." I will definitely arrange the rest of Fei'er's life before she dies!"

This sentence cannot be said to be insincere, not to mention a young girl like Fei'er who is not experienced in the world. Even Mu Zhongqing and his wife were moved after hearing this. Mu Zhongqing stood up, helped Mo Ziqi up with his own hands, and said: "We all understand what you mean. It's just that on this special day, don't say such unlucky words. It's unlucky."

At this time, a maid had brought a futon and placed it in front of Mo Ziqi's Fei'er. Mo Ziqi and Fei'er knelt down again, worshiped Mu Zhongqing and his wife, and kowtowed to them as a farewell gift. .

Then, under the watchful eyes of Mu Zhongqing and his wife, Caifei walked out of the gate of Mu's house amidst the noise of rituals and music. She was supported by Xiniang and the maid, and boarded the eight-carry red sedan chair of Duke Li Guo's mansion.

Her daughter's figure disappeared, and Mrs. Du couldn't help crying, complaining: "It is said that a daughter is not allowed to stay, and staying here is an injustice. Look, this Fei girl is gone like this, and she can't even shed tears." No, we have been hurting her for more than ten years in vain, but she has no nostalgia for us at all. She is really cruel... And that girl Wei, such a big thing in the family, she didn't even show her face, she just dismissed it Several servants came to help with the cooking, and she usually ran home when she had nothing to do. This month, something happened at home, and she didn't come back even once. It's really sad..."

Mu Zhongqing sighed and wanted to comfort his wife, but Liu Xi suddenly smiled and said: "Madam, it's not that the queen won't come back to help, it's that the queen is pregnant and can't come back!"

One sentence made the expressions of Du and Mu Zhongqing freeze. After a long time, Mu Zhongqing understood what Liu Xi was talking about and said loudly: "Eunuch Liu, are you saying that the Queen is pregnant?"

Liu Xi nodded and said: "My wife has been pregnant for nearly five months, and she has triplets. I was afraid that the master and his wife would miss her, so I never dared to let anyone tell you that today the second young lady has left the cabinet, and the master and his wife are fine." But since we are busy, the Za family will be bold enough to talk too much and tell you that you two know about this matter. If you two have nothing to do, please go to the palace to see the empress. She will definitely be happy..."

"Oh, Weier is pregnant. This is great. Come on, I have to change and go to the palace to see Weier."

Du Shi, who had just woken up from a dream, slapped her thigh and stood up in a hurry. She couldn't care less about the sadness and melancholy of her daughter getting married. She was focused on her eldest daughter's belly!

Those were their delicate little grandchildren, and there were three of them. Those three little things must not have imagined that before they were born, they would have completely surpassed their aunt's position in their grandmother's heart, and were firmly in the heart of their grandmother. The first thing on my grandfather's and grandmother's mind was that they couldn't even worry about such a big thing as their aunt's wedding!

The wedding sedan went up the main street amid the ceremony.

The newly-appointed Grand Protector General got married, which naturally attracted many people to come to the streets to watch. The festive sounds were like waves, rolling into the car. Liuzhu would approach the curtain from time to time and say a few words about the lively scene outside.

At three o'clock in the morning, the wedding ceremony arrived at Duke Li's Mansion. Fei'er was carried off the sedan by a nun, stepped over the brazier, entered the main gate of Duke Li's Mansion, turned left and right, and finally stopped in Mo Ziqi's yard. Come down.

Although Mo Ziqi was a general, and the emperor also allocated a private residence to him, the children and grandchildren of the Mo family were very united and did not want to separate the family. Therefore, even if he took the position of a general, he still lived in his original home. yard.

Indoors, the Boshan incense burner is lit with subtle and elegant incense, which makes people feel much more peaceful.

Fei'er was led by her grandma and sat on a soft, thick high couch. She tried it with her hands and found that it was a bed sheet fabric with good texture. It should be ready for the new house...

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