Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1534 Helan Qi proposes marriage (1)

"Liuzhu, Liuli!"

Fei'er heard the noise outside and called out. Liuzhu and Liuli heard this and hurriedly opened the curtain and walked in. They were holding washbasins and toiletries in their hands. When they saw Fei'er getting up, they hurried over. , serve Mayfair to wash up.

"Miss, hurry up, the old man and the old lady have arrived at Enxi Hall, waiting for you to serve tea!"

When Fei'er heard this, she hurriedly washed her face and hands, and asked, "Where is Mo Ziqi?"

Liu Zhu said: "My uncle is waiting for you in the hall. He has been sitting alone in the main hall for more than half an hour. As a rule, you should be the one to get up first to help my uncle get up."

Fei'er was also very upset. She slept too much during the day last night and couldn't sleep at night. She took the man to play checkers for half the night. As a result, she got up late on the first day of her marriage. What did the elders think?

Liuli hurriedly wiped her face dry, then smeared tooth salt on the soft rod, handed it to Fei'er, and said: "Miss, there is no need to be upset, the old lady and madam love you so much, they will definitely not blame you. Besides, uncle He is so kind to you, and he will never let you be wronged. "

After waiting and washing up, Mayfair wore a rose-red satin jacket embroidered with folded branches, a mist flower skirt, and a red coral hairpin on her head. All dressed in bright red, she was both happy and dignified. Went to the main hall to meet up with Mo Ziqi. Mo Ziqi's face was even more radiant in the morning. He stood up and walked over. Without hesitation, he raised his hand and rubbed her cheek. His tone was soft and unstoppable: "Are you sleeping?"

Feier shyly avoided his big palm and whispered: "Okay, remember to call me earlier next time, so as not to make the elders unhappy."

Mo Ziqi said nonchalantly: "My grandparents are all broad-minded people and won't worry about such small things..."

Sure enough, when they arrived at Enxi Hall, they saw Duke Li and his old lady Liu, as well as Mo Qingshan and Mo Yuanshan, chatting. When they saw the couple, the elders all looked at them lovingly and were not late for them at all. Complain or be unhappy.

Feier kowtowed to the elders and served tea as usual. Everyone was very happy and rewarded her with many things. Only Mo Qingshan and his wife, although they also joked with everyone and rewarded Fei'er with some good things, their expressions were somewhat lonely. They must have thought of Mo Zili who was far away in Qingluo.

Later, the young couple had to go into the palace to meet the emperor, queen and queen mother. The old lady was afraid of missing the time for them to enter the palace, so after serving tea, she gave them a few words of instruction and sent them back.

As soon as the young couple went out, Mrs. Bai couldn't help but burst into tears. She and her husband only had one child, Mo Zili. Originally, like Mo Ziqi, they had married a daughter-in-law and settled down. Unexpectedly, she now had a daughter-in-law. He is gone, and his son has also left home, leaving the old couple to live a life of staring at each other. How can they not be sad when they see someone marrying a daughter-in-law?

Mrs. Bai also felt that her tears were ruining the scenery on this festive day, so she hurriedly stood up and apologized, saying: "Old madam, don't be surprised, my daughter-in-law was so happy when she saw that Zi Qi had started a family and started a business. She burst into tears for a moment, which ruined everyone's happiness. It's really time to fight." ."

Although the old lady is old, her mind is shrewder than anyone else. How could she not guess Bai's thoughts? She just didn't tell her.

She said: "Now, of the three boys in the house, two have married and started a business, leaving only boy Li alone. I want to settle his marriage first, and then give him my wife when he comes back." After marrying into the family, once he has a wife to tie him to, he can't be as messy as he is now."

Bai said: "Old Madam's idea is of course a great one, but you also know that that boy has been making mistakes since he was a child. Even eight cows can't pull him back from what he has set his sights on. Now he has set his sights on Xiangyun. I'm afraid I won't be willing to marry someone else."

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