Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1535 Helan Qi proposes marriage (2)

The old lady said: "Xiangyun can't come back. However, with the power of our government, it is not difficult to find a woman with similar appearance and temperament to Yu Xiangyun. Why don't we just pull down a big net and look for her?" We have found one, and finding a girl who looks similar to Xiangyun and marrying him into the family is not certain, which can make Li Xiaozi feel at ease. Even if it doesn't work, we won't have anything to do with it. At most, it will be a waste of effort.  "

Mo Yuanshan shook his head and said: "What's fake is fake. No matter how similar it is, it's not real. I'm afraid Mr. Li won't be willing."

Bai's heart was filled with thoughts about her son, and she sought medical treatment in a hurry. She said, "What my mother said is absolutely true. Now, let's treat him like a dead horse, otherwise he might have to wander around for how long." Mo Qingshan He also had the same idea as Mrs. Bai, and helped his wife: "With our own efforts, it is really not easy to find such a person. It is better to invite my mother to the palace to talk to the emperor about this matter. If the emperor is willing to help, , with a decree, a woman similar to the daughter of the Wu family will soon be found.  "

People are selfish by nature. Although it is not very kind to treat someone else's daughter as a substitute, for the sake of their own children, Duke Li, Mo Qingshan, and Mo Yuanshan also agreed to the old lady's suggestion.

When Fei'er and Mo Ziqi came to the palace to see them, as soon as they arrived at the door of the royal study, they saw Nangong Yi's eunuch Yang Yong coming up to him. He knelt down with a smile and said, "I congratulate the second lady, the general, on their wedding. I wish the general the best." He and the second young lady will give birth to a precious son soon, the piano and the segue will be harmonious, the mandarin ducks will be blessed, the dragon and the phoenix will bring good fortune..."

He was quick to talk and said a series of auspicious words in one breath. Mo Ziqi glanced at the attendant beside him, then hurriedly took a purse with gold ingots and handed it over. Yang Yong accepted it with a smile and said : "General and Second Young Lady, please go in quickly. The Emperor and the Empress are waiting inside, and even Mrs. Mu is here. You and your family will be kissing each other."

Fei'er said happily: "Mother is here too?"

Yang Yong said: "Yes, Mrs. Mu handed over the sign yesterday to enter the palace. The Queen has been sleeping and the servants did not dare to disturb her, so we can only see her today."

Mo Ziqi nodded and took Fei'er in.

In the east room of the imperial study, Caiwei is sitting on the kang, playing with the butterflies with the Du family. Caiwei is wearing a large crimson auspicious phoenix robe embroidered with gold phoenix, and some dots on her head. The emerald ruby ​​hair and face looked a little old-fashioned, but when worn on her head, she looked graceful, dignified and quiet, which was very beautiful.

Mrs. Du was also dressed as a doctor's wife. She looked like she had just arrived. The tea cup in front of her was still warm and filled with steam.

Seeing Mo Ziqi coming in holding Fei'er's hand, Fei'er lowered his head a little, a little shy. One of them was tall and straight, the other graceful, they really looked like a pair of beautiful women.

Caiwei and Du Shi looked at each other and smiled knowingly. Before they could kneel down and kowtow, they hurriedly ordered them to excuse themselves and give them seats.

Mrs. Mu pulled Feier to her side and sat down. Seeing that her steps were light and agile when she moved, she knew that she was still a virgin. Mo Ziqi had not touched her, and she was extremely grateful to her son-in-law.

Caiwei also carefully observed Fei'er's gait and expression. After realizing that Mo Ziqi was a true gentleman like Liu Xiahui, her favorable impression of Mo Ziqi suddenly soared. She hugged the little Die'er and expressed her love to Mo Ziqi. Ziqi smiled and said, "The emperor is at the Qinzheng Palace. You can go and see her there. Fei'er and I still have something to say."

After hearing this, Mo Ziqi stood up, bowed respectfully to Caiwei and Du Shi, turned around and strode out quickly.

As soon as her son-in-law left, Mrs. Du rubbed her daughter's hand and asked pityingly: "Fei'er, how are you doing at Duke Li's Mansion? Are you getting used to it? Is there anyone making things difficult for you?"

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