Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1546 The sturdy Crown Princess Qingluo (4)


Xiangyun swallowed her saliva and looked at the man's half-smiling look. She said wisely: "Your Highness, I just said it wrong! Actually, um...actually my decision was, that...oh, by the way, I will go to my mother to admit my mistake soon and promise not to hit anyone casually in the future.  "

"Well, you really shouldn't hit people casually. Look at the good girls you hit in Jingyang County, and you beat them into pig heads."

As soon as he heard the man speak for the Lord of Jingyang County, Xiangyun immediately became unhappy. His round little face wrinkled into a bun, feeling extremely aggrieved.

She didn't hit anyone casually. It was clearly the Lord of Jingyang County who had evil intentions and deliberately hit her man. He was also wearing such thin and revealing clothes. What's even more disgusting is that he also hit her with a pair of trembling legs. Her big breasts rubbed against her man. If her man hadn't been able to hide quickly, she would have rubbed against him.

Even a blind man could see that dirty thought. Xiangyun was so angry that he hit her. If she hadn't flirted with her man in front of him, how could Xiangyun ignore his mother's feelings? He injured the head of Jingyang County in public!

Just as he was pouting in grievance, the man said in a leisurely manner: "Next time you want to be beaten, just let the servants do it. Remember not to slap in the face, as it would be bad to leave evidence..."

Xiangyun was startled, not understanding what the man's words meant.

Cui Wen and Cui, who were waiting on the side, understood, and both of them suddenly turned into bitter faces. The prince indulged the princess so much, not only supported her in beating people, but also taught her how to destroy the evidence. Isn't he afraid of her going to heaven?

Breakfast was specially made by Wanyan Jingchen. It consists of purple rice porridge with moderate viscosity, paired with nutritious seasonal dishes such as pigeon eggs, eggplant bream, fat king fish with milk, fried Pipa shrimps, stir-fried spring buds with oil and salt, etc. Steamed several drawers of steamed buns with different fillings.

Xiangyun ate very well and was very full. After eating, she held her belly in her hands and burped while praising the master chefs one by one. She forgot to praise the person who arranged the meal for her.

Wanyan Jingchen was used to her carelessness. After breakfast, or lunch, he carefully wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth and pulled her out of the house, wanting to meet his father and mother. I went to pay my respects to the palace and took some exercise with me. This girl ate a lot and it would be bad if she accumulated food...

The sun outside was very good, the spring was bright and cloudless. When I walked out of the Chongyang Palace, Xiangyun was about to praise the good weather when he saw a green parrot flying down from the tree, squawking and flapping its wings. It fell on Xiangyun's shoulder.

When Xiangyun saw the parrot, he immediately beamed with joy and shouted: "Wanyan Jingchen, this is the bird that picks up the weeds, and there is a letter from the weeds!"


Wanyan Jingchen also recognized this bird, but it was not the one raised by his former employer. He took the parrot off Xiangyun's shoulder, took a letter from its leg, and handed it to Xiangyun. cloud.

"Well, I've been so busy fighting wits with the vixens who covet you these days that I've forgotten to contact Caiwei. The two of us are able to get together thanks to Caiwei's help..."

Xiangyun babbled, unfolded the letter, and started reading.

After hearing this, Wanyan Jingchen shook his head and said with a smile: "I believe you when it comes to fighting bravely, but it's just a fight of wits, do you have it?"

After Xiangyun heard this, he immediately straightened his face, looked at him angrily with his round little face, and asked angrily: "Wanyan Jingchen, what do you mean? Do you look down on my wisdom?"

Wanyan Jingchen said with a smile: "What the hell, you misunderstood. I believe that Yun'er's wisdom is absolutely unparalleled and the best in the world. Oh, by the way, what did Queen Mu say in the letter? Can you write a reply?"

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