Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1547 The sturdy Crown Princess Qingluo (5)

Xiangyun was so disturbed by him that he immediately forgot about the insult to his IQ, and said happily: "It's nothing important, I just told me that she was also pregnant, and she was actually pregnant with triplets. I didn't expect Nangong It’s unbelievable that His Majesty is so powerful!"

Hearing this, Wanyan Jingchen's face suddenly darkened. It was really frustrating for his own woman to praise other men in front of him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at her, and asked in a serious tone: "Xiangyun, what do you mean, do you look down on my ability? Otherwise, after giving birth to this child, I will work harder and we will be better next time." Give birth to twins, triplets or something?"

"Uh... No, no, no..."

Xiangyun waved her hands repeatedly, secretly regretting that she shot herself in the foot. Even if he didn't work hard, the man's strength was already too much for her. If he really worked harder, he wouldn't tear her apart.

Seeing the man's stinky face, she burst into laughter and said in a nonchalant manner: "Your Highness, your ability is already very strong. You are the best in the world. You are definitely the best in the world. You really don't have to work hard anymore. Really..." She raised her thumb and patted the horse hard.

Seeing her flattering look, Wanyan Jingchen's expression softened slightly, and he said softly, "You know what you are doing!"

After saying that, he took her hand and walked outside.

As Xiangyun walked, she turned back and shouted to the parrot hovering behind her: "Little guy, just wait for a while, wait until I come back and write a letter to Caiwei before leaving. Oh, wait for me to come back later, give me You make something delicious!"

As he said this, Wanyan Jingchen took him out of the yard...

middle palace

The emperor and queen of the Qingluo Kingdom lived in the Jiqing Hall located in the center of the palace. Although the Jiqing Hall was the middle palace, it was very simple. Even the bright yellow cushions spread on the Kang were half old, and the furnishings in the palace were also very simple. It's very simple. There are only some commonly used tea cups and teapots. There are a few squares of fine ink and a few Duan inkstones on the bookshelf, as well as some unique ancient books. There are a few posts by famous people on the wall. There is not a single piece of gold, jade or coral in the whole hall. Waiting for expensive toys.

The life of the emperor and the empress was also very simple. When they stayed in the palace on weekdays, they both wore cotton clothes because they both felt that cotton clothes were more comfortable and stronger than silk ones. The food they ate was not delicacies, but mostly... They only ate light meals and rarely even meat or vegetables. The living conditions of the two of them did not look like a noble emperor and empress at all, but more like an ordinary old couple.

Xiangyun and Wanyan Jingchen arrived at the middle palace. Before they could salute, Xiangyun was grabbed by the queen. Queen Namuhan took her hand and led her to sit on the kang, saying: "Girl Yun, my mother and queen are all here." How many times have I told you, if you are pregnant, please do not salute from now on, or you may stretch your child."

Xiangyun lowered his head and said in a soft voice: "It is said that etiquette cannot be abolished, and I dare not overstep it."

"Look at you, we are all a family, why bother talking about those false etiquettes? Whether you are filial or not is not about these false etiquettes. From now on, let's just skip the morning and dusk rituals. Whenever you want to see your mother, just Come and have a look. If you don’t want to, just raise your fetus peacefully in your Chongyang Palace. If you want to go outside to get some fresh air, remember to bring a few reliable people with you. Wear more clothes. The spring breeze is cool. Don’t I was buffeted by the wind..."

Queen Namuhan talked a lot in one breath, which made Xiangyun's heart warm and moved. Thinking about the cruelty she had dealt to her mother's only niece yesterday, she felt a little bit ashamed. .

After coughing, she said nonchalantly: "Mother, what happened to the head of Jingyang County yesterday was like this..."

"It's not your fault!"

Before Xiangyun could explain, Queen Namuhan rushed to say: "The queen knows your temper. You are not the kind of person who is messy and unreasonable. It's Jingyang's heart that is too restless. You might as well teach her a lesson. It will save you some time." She will have other thoughts in the future."

Wanyan Jingchen said: "Since the Queen Mother said so, why did she ask Yun'er to apologize to Jingyang? Yun'er is a dignified Crown Princess and the future mother of the country. Wouldn't it be too flattering to go to her to apologize to a county head?"

Emperor Qingluo nodded and said: "Chen'er's words make sense, and I also feel that we should not condone her. We pity her and made her the county head, but we didn't expect that not only would she be ungrateful, but she would actually want the future of our Qingluo Kingdom." The queen went to apologize to her, which is really ignorant."

Queen Namuhan said apologetically: "I also know that it is inappropriate to ask Yun'er to apologize to her, but that child in Jingyang has not eaten or drank all day long. You also know that she was left behind by my miserable brother. She is the only bloodline of her. If she really has something that she can't think of, I can't handle it... in my heart!"

"Stop talking, Queen Mother, I'm going!"

Xiangyun said sincerely: "Mother, you don't have to be sad, I'll just go and compensate her!"

"I'll go with you!" Wanyan Jingchen said.

Although Emperor Qingluo didn't want his son-in-law to apologize to his brother-in-law's girl, he reluctantly agreed for his wife's sake.

Queen Namuhan said: "Xiangyun, I have wronged you. That girl in Jingyang has been without parents since she was a child. She is used to being wild. If there is any conflict with you, just look at your mother and don't act like her." It's better to care."

Xiang Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, Queen. Yun'er will remember what Queen Mother said and just don't have the same experience as her."

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